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Leila: why were you so aggressive yesterday with Gio?

A: because I thought you felt something for him.

Leila: I really don't though.

A: yeah I know that now. I felt threatened. I felt like I was going to lose you to him. Like you were going to just leave and be with him.

Leila: I wouldn't just leave.

A: yeah I know that. At least I do now. I read that text and it scared me so much Leila. I thought I was gonna lose you, I've said that like 80 times today.

Leila: hey, no it's ok. I love you, but you can't get in a physical fight with one of your best friends over me. I don't want to be the end any of your friendships.

A: I'm sorry Leila. I'm sorry I get in fights. I'm sorry I get jealous so easily. I'm really not a good boyfriend, am I?

Leila: no don't say that. Your the best boyfriend I've ever had.

A: really?

Leila: I wouldn't lie to you.

With that, Alex looked at me and smiled. He leaned in and our foreheads touched. He tilted his head and kissed my lips. Soft at first, but the kiss became firmer the longer it went on.

A: I love you

Leila: I love you too

Alex got up and rearranged our seating position. We were sitting right next to each other, my hips pressed against his. He wrapped his arm around me and laid his head down on my chest.

A: we need freaking couples therapy or some shit.

Leila: Alex no we don't

A: we need to do something.

Leila: let's take a week. Avoid communication after a week we can choose if we still want to be together.

A: I'm not doing that.

Leila: why not?

A: I AM NOT going to avoid you for a whole week while you are living it up.

Leila: awhh. Right answer.

A: yeah I know. We don't need time apart we just need to start talking about how we're feeling, ok?

Leila: yeah, 100 percent agree.

Alex and I got up and walked in the kitchen. He sat on one of the stools and I walked over to the refrigerator.

Leila: what do you want me to make? I'm starving and I know you are too.

A: whatever you want.

Leila: no don't say that. What do you want?

A: you.

Leila: Seriously?

A: yeah come here.

I walked over to Alex and he pulled me into a hug.

A: I asked you out in a spot just like this.

Leila: yeah. I remember.

A: Leila, let's start over. Let's forget about the past and just start over.

Leila: ok.

Alex grinned at me and held his hand out for me to shake.

A: hi I'm Alex.

Leila: I'm Leila.

A: you know you are the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. Will you be my girlfriend?

Leila: I'd love to be your girlfriend.

Alex and I both laughed. He laced our fingers together and held my hand. I remember when he used to do this. When we held hands it made me feel so special, like I was the only girl in the world. People would stop and stare when they saw Alex and I holding hands, it felt good.

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