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Leila: what's wrong baby?

A: Leila it was Logan who left you that note.

Leila: how do you know?

A: he was talking about the note with one of his friends.

Leila: your sure, 100 percent positive?

A: yeah and I'm gonna beat his ass.

Leila: no you're not.

A: Leila people keep trying to come in between us and I hate it. I just need to put an end to it.

Leila: you're not going to do anything. You understand?

A: yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever.

Alex and I walked outside to find Adriana and Carlos waiting for us. We all walked over to Carlos's car. He drove all of us to my house. When we got there we walked inside and set all of our stuff down.

Leila: so I'm starting. Is anyone else?

Adri: yes.

C: let's order something

A: not Chinese

Alex knew that Cameron would have delivered our food if we ordered Chinese.

Leila: let's just get pizza

A: that sounds great

Adri: pizza sounds amazing. Leila we've got to figure out what we're going to wear.

Leila: Alex will you order the pizza so Adriana and I can go start getting ready?

A: it's going to take you four hours to get ready?

Leila: pretty close.

Adriana and I went upstairs to my room and looked my closet up and down trying to find something to wear to this party. We had a pile of yes and no pieces. While I was in the middle of trying something on Alex and Carlos walked in my room unannounced.

C: oh shit. I'm sorry Leila.

A: damn it Carlos don't keep staring at her.

I pulled up the dress and had Adriana fasten it in the back.

A: ok we're cool now Carlos.

Alex and Carlos walked in my room and sat on my bed.

A: Leila you are not wearing that.

Leila: why not?

A: it's way to revealing.

Leila: you're worse than my mom.

A: that didn't change my mind. Your not wearing it.

Adri: come on Alex it looks good on her, plus you're going to be there dictating her every move.

Leila: hey that wasn't nice.

A: I don't dictate, I protect.

Adri: what do you mean?

A: we're always together because guys are constantly trying to get with Leila or have her break up with me. When we're together that doesn't happen.

C: yeah the dudes jealous

Leila: he's protective

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