chapter 33

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We both knew it was going to happen some day but we didn't figure it would be so soon, but it was so amazing. We kind of just payed there like forever. Finally we got up when the doorbell rang. I scurried around to find clothes. I ended up in my leggings and Alex's tee shirt. I went down and find Joey at the door. I let him in and alex walks down the steps with only adidas track pants on with messy bed head. He looked surprised when he saw Joey. To be honest I was too. I didn't know what to do or say. I didn't know why he was here

Leila: hey Joey what's going on?
J: i just walked in on my sister making out with my best friend.

Alex walked up behind me and grabbed my waist. He wrapped his arms around it and laid his head on my shoulder.

Leila: Joey I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I could do.
J: this was the first place I thought to come. I'm sorry if I interrupted something.
Leila: no you didn't. It's all ok.
J: thanks for listening
Leila: Joey why don't we all go to grab pizza.
J: ok that sounds good.

We hopped in joeys car, he's the only one we know who can drive right now. He took us to the nearest pizza place and we ordered. Alex and I sit next to each other and Gio walked in with Hali'a, holding hands. Like my lace wasn't bad enough without this too.

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