chapter six

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I see that Alex isn't beside me and I jump out of bed. I sprint down the stairs to the point where I almost fall. I scan the kitchen then living room. He's sitting on the couch. I walked over to him and started blowing up.

Leila: Alex you scared me. I woke up and you weren't there. Don't do that to me. I slipped and fell in my room trying to find you.
A: I'm sorry. My mom called me I did want to wake you up. I'm sorry I scared you.
Leila: no I'm sorry I just blew up at you.
A: go get ready we can do something for the day. I go upstairs and get in the shower. After I get out I put on an outfit and do my hair.

 After I get out I put on an outfit and do my hair

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I go in the bathroom to grab my makeup bag

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I go in the bathroom to grab my makeup bag. When I reach for it Alex pulls it away from me.

A: you don't need this you're beautiful .
Leila: at least let me have my mascara.
A: fine. *pulls out yellow tube*
Leila: how did you know what mascara is?
A: lucky guess?

Alex gets dresses than pulls me into a hug.

A: what do you want to do?
Leila: lets go to the mall.
A: ok

*we arrive at the mall*

A: where to first?
Leila: can we go to Forever 21
A: anything for you

He takes my hand and we walk to Forever 21.

A: what are you looking for in here?
Leila: jean shorts
A: ok

*5 minuets later*

A: did you find any?
Leila: none that I really like
A: what about these?
Leila: I love them.
A: go try them on
Leila: ok *walks out of the dressing room*
A: you look good in those
Leila: I'm going to get them
A: good *he gets a smirk on his face*

I start pulling out my credit card and Alex slips his credit card into the chip reader. We walk out of the store and I pull him out of the  center walk way?

Leila: what did you do that for?
A: because your my girlfriend and I love you and you deserve everything you could ever possibly want.
Leila: Alex I love you with every bone in my body but you can't buy me stuff.
A: sorry to break it you sweetie but I'm going to buy you things. I'll surprise you with gifts, bring you things when what something.
Leila: awh baby. I love you

Alex and I went to his house. When we got there he pulled his mom into a hug and introduced me. His mom seemed very nice and protective. She told Alex he had to keep the door open. He opened the door and his baby brother, Henry, was sitting on his bed waiting for him. Alex picked him up and started playing with him. He put him on his bed and signaled me to come over. I sat next to him and we played with Henry for 30 or 40 minuets then my phone went off.

Hey are you busy?

I unlock my phone and text him back.

J: Hey are you busy?
Y/N: Not right now. Why?
J: want to hangout?
Y/N: sure. Meet me at my house in an hour.

I tell Alex that I have to go he kisses me and Henry waves goodbye to me. Alex is such a good big brother. He's such an amazing person. Anyways Alex would freak if he knew that I was hanging out with Joey.

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