Chapter 24

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Gio arrived and I've told him everything. I'm so tired of Alex and Joey fighting over me.

Gio: Leila it will be ok.
Leila: i just don't know what to do.
Gio: so spend a night with both of them. See which one you have more fun with.
Leila: ok.
Gio: I'm gonna go.
Leila: thank you. *hugs Gio*
Gio: *whispers in Leila's ear* correction Alex Joey and Gio are all fighting over you. I'm in love with you Leila.
Leila: *kisses gio smoothly*

Gio kissed me back and after a few seconds I pulled away. I guided Gio to the door and he left. I went back up to my room and called Alex. Technically we're still together but we haven't been acting like it lately. Alex was going to come spend the night at my house with me so we could start spending more time together.

*doorbell rings*

Leila: Alex I mi-
Alex: *cuts Leila off and smashes his lips against hers*

Alex stared walking in and he kicked the door closed, all while still kicked the door closed. He picked me up and carried me to my bedroom. When we got in my room it turned into a heated make out session. All of a sudden we heard something.

Laci: *mumbling* oh my god. Get off of her.
Leila: oh my god laci get out.
Laci: what the hell is this?
Alex: *gets off of Leila and rubs the back of his neck* uhhh
Laci: fine I'm leaving
Leila: good
Alex: well that was awkward
Leila: I'm sorry she is such a bother.
Alex: I'm just glad that we are together.
Leila: I've missed you so much.
Alex: I've missed you more.
Leila: not possible
Alex: let's do something
Leila: let's play truth or dare
Alex: ok that sounds like fun.

Leila told Alex that he could go first. She was so excited to do this.

Alex: truth or dare?
Leila: truth.
Alex: why does it feel like we keep growing apart?
Leila: i don't know. I don't feel like we have grown apart.

I yawned and Alex told me we should get to bed. I fell asleep in his arms. It's so calming being with him. I love it.

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