chapter eight

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The next morning my alarm woke me up. Yay back to school. I unwrapped Alex's arms from my chest and I kiss his forehead. I get up and use the bathroom, then I go back to my bed and wake Alex up. He definitely didn't want to go to school. I honestly don't blame him. I had to bribe him to get out of bed.

Leila: if you don't get up now I won't come to your house after school.
A: but babyyyy
Leila: all you have to do is get up

Alex eventually got up. We got on the bus and I sent my Snapchat streaks and I checked my Instagram. I'm up to 9,413 followers. When we get to school everything seemed different. People stared as Alex walked in hand in hand. Did someone go around spreading rumors? As soon as the bell rung Alex and I walked up to his locker to grab his books, then to my locker to grab my books. We walk to geometry.

Leila: Alex are you nervous for geometry?
A: why? Should I be? Do we have a test?
Leila: no
A: why are you nervous?
Leila: you and Joey literally got in a fist fight over me yesterday. You're not even the slightest bit nervous to go and sit through 43 minuets with him and me in the same room, right next to each other?
A: no

*skip to the end of the school day*

The last bell rung and Alex and I went to go get on the bus. I think he was a little bit mad at me because I sat with Zoe instead of him.

Z: what was wrong with Joey today?
Leila: it's a long story
Z: well you have 10 minuets to tell me a long story

I tell her everything that happened. She was shocked.

Z: but the only thing I don't understand is why did Joey want to hangout with just you?
Leila: I'm not sure
Z: did he pull any moves on you? Did he flirt with you?
Leila: no. Not really.
Z: so he did
Leila : a little bit.
Z: *yells* what!
*everyone stares*
Leila: hey, quiet.
Z: oh my god. Does Alex know?
Leila: not exactly
Z: you need to tell him
Leila: I know but how do I tell him?
Z: uhhh... just say it.
Leila: you know what you're right

I felt a tug on my arm. Alex pulls me out of my seat and tells me that we're at his house.

A: what were you and Zoe talking about?
Leila: you *looks at the ground* and Joey.
A: why were you talking about him?
Leila: well...
A: well what? Just tell me Leila.
Leila: he was flirting with me, but I shut him down as soon as I noticed what he was doing. I told him I was with you and happy.
A: ok. I believe you. I just... you have to tell me this stuff.
Leila: ok. I promise I will.

We walk into Alex's house and nobody is there. We go up to his room and he puts his stuff away. He kissed me and told me he had a surprise for me.

A: close your eyes
Leila: baby I told you not to get me things
A: and I didn't listen
Leila: *closes eyes*
A: ok you an open them *hands me a box*
Leila: *opens the box* awh baby it's beautiful I love it.

A: I remember you telling me that you liked that when we were at the mall

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A: I remember you telling me that you liked that when we were at the mall.
Leila: thank you. I love you.
A: I love you too.
Leila: *kisses Alex* will you help me put it on?
A: of course I will
Leila: *takes it out of the box and hands it to Alex*
A: *puts the necklace around my neck than clips it*

*two hours pass*

Leila: I have to go. I have stuff to do back at my house.
A: ok. I'll see you tomorrow at school.

When I get back to my house I grab the mail out of the mailbox then head inside. I call and order a pizza because I haven't eaten since lunch. I gather all my dirty laundry and find a few of Alex's things and do the laundry since my sister is coming back home today. My parents are on a business trip for 2-3 weeks and my sister stayed with one of her friends for 5 days. After about 15 minuets of me being home the doorbell rang and in ran laci (my sister).
This is her

People tell me all the time that we look super similar but I don't really see it

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People tell me all the time that we look super similar but I don't really see it.

L: I've missed you
Leila: I've missed you too *pulls her into a hug* are you hungry?
L: yes very
Leila: well, I just ordered pizza it will be here soon
L: seriously
Leila: yah. I was thinking that we could catch up.
L: I'd like that

*about 2 minuets later*

The doorbell rang and Laci goes to open it. It was Alex.

L: umm do you have our pizza?
A: uhhh no. Can you uhh.
Leila: Alex what are you doing here?
A: you forgot your phone.
Leila: oh my god *takes it out of Alex's hand* thank you very much.
L: who is this
Leila: lac this is my boyfriend Alex
L: what else changed in the 5 days I was gone?
A: well I'll tell you two catch up.
Leila: ok *kisses Alex on his cheek* goodbye
A: bye
Leila: *closes door*
L: he's cute, when did that happen?
Leila: on the first day of school

*the doorbell rings again*

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