chapter 18

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It wasn't your typical throw up though. I threw up blood. I cleaned myself up and stuttered out of the bathroom into the hallway. I felt like I was going to pass out. Finally I saw Giovanni in the hallway.
(Just a reminder this is him)

G: Leila hey whats wrongLeila: *breaks down* I didn't feel good and I just threw up blood

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G: Leila hey whats wrong
Leila: *breaks down* I didn't feel good and I just threw up blood. Gio I'm so scared.
G: *pulls Leila into his arms* it will be ok
Leila: will you go down to the nurse with me I don't want to go alone.
G: of course I will

Gio warped his arm around me and we walked down to the nurse. I was so nervous it made me feel even more sick. When we got down to the nurse she asked me lots of questions. Gio stayed with me the whole time.
•N- nurse•

N: Leila are you pregnant?
Leila: no
N: have you had an excessive weight gain?
Leila: no
N: have you had a significant weight loss?
Leila: no
N: don't freak out but you need to get to the hospital, or a doctor. I'm going to call an ambulance. Ok.
Leila: ok.
N: gio you need to get back to class.
Leila: I don't want him to leave me. Please.
N: ok.
Leila: gio will you go grab my bag from my locker?
G: of course is there anything else you need?
Leila: that's all.

Gio went up to my locker and grabbed my stuff. The school was put into a shelter in place when the ambulance got there. I got in it and gio hopped in beside me. He grabbed my hand and told me that everything would be ok.

Leila: gio will you text Alex and tell him what happened. I don't want him to stress about not knowing what is happening.
Gio: I will

I grabbed my phone and called my mom.

M: Leila what's wrong
L: I'm in an ambulance on the way to the hospital.
M: what happened
L: I threw up blood
M: awhh Leila I'll be at the hospital in 30 minuets. I'm going to go get laci from school.
Leila: ok
M: are you by yourself
Leila: not exactly
M: who's with you
Leila: Giovanni
M: ok he's a good kid
Leila: ok I've got to go.
M: ok I'll be there soon.

We arrived at the hospital and I was rushed into a room. Gio never left my side. I am so thankful he found me in the hallway not anyone else. They started doing tests and gio got a call.

G: I've got to go take this
Leila: *pleading in a sad tone* Giovanni don't leave me. I'm scared.
G: I'm right here babygirl *takes Leila's hand* I'm not leaving. I promise you.
Leila: thank you for everything you did today.
G: anything for you.
Leila: well we're going to be here for a while let's talk about something.
G: like what
Leila: the fact that you called me babygirl
G: oh I'm sorry i know I shouldn't have but... I mean...
Leila: *interrupts him* it's ok it was cute
G: *kisses Leila's hand*

All of a sudden my mom walks in with Luna and Laci. My mom starts to ramble on with a whole bunch of stuff. Eventually the doctor told me that it's just from inflammation. I was put on bed rest for a few days. We went back to my house and Gio went with us. He literally carried me up to my room because I was sleeping. I woke up on the way up to my room but he didn't know. I pretended to still be asleep. He put me in my bed. Then he muttered something he didn't know that I heard.

G: *kisses Leila's forehead* I love you it will all be ok.

All of a sudden I heard a familiar voice.

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