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Alex and I ended up falling asleep watching Netflix. We woke up to the sound of my phone going off.

A: what is that?
Leila: someone is calling me
A: answer it.

I pick up my phone to see Carlos calling me.

A: why the hell is he calling you?
Leila: I have no idea. I haven't talked to him since homecoming.
A: well answer it.
Leila: you answer it.

I handed Alex my phone and he started talking into it.

*over the phone*
A: hello?
C: hey Alex.
A: hi. What are calling Leilas phone for?
C: just to talk. I was bored. I didn't realize that you two were together right now.
A: oh.
C: well I'll leave you too it.
A: bye man
C: bye

Alex hung up the phone and set it back down on he table.

A: damn he just had to call.
Leila: what did he want?
A: to talk. He was bored.
Leila: oh.

Alex pulled me closer to him. I grinned at him and he smiled back.

A: what?
Leila: nothing. I'm just happy.
A: why?
Leila: I have you. That's why I'm happy.
A: your not getting rid of me either.

As Alex said that he pulled me into him and kissed the top of my head.

Leila: I don't plan on getting rid of you.
A: good because I wouldn't have left either way.
Leila: you wouldn't have left if we broke up?
A: nope. I'm never giving up on us Leila. We're perfect for each other.
Leila: I love you.
A: I love you more.
Leila: well we're awake. We might as well do something.
A: let's bake something.
Leila: Seriously?
A: what?
Leila: id end up doing the baking.
A: true
Leila: how about we invite a few people over?
A: that sounds like fun.
Leila: who are we gonna invite?
A: invite who you want.
Leila: ok

Alex told me to invite who o wanted so I invited all of my friends.

To Joey, Adriana, Gio, Carlos, Cam
Party @ my place in 20. Make it if you can.

I got up to clean up a few things. I walked in the kitchen and started to organize the counter top.

A: baby stop cleaning. Come here.
Leila: I'm just picking up a few things.
A: yeah than that will turn into you cleaning the whole kitchen.
Leila: no it won't. Just let me finish picking up these few things.

Finally the doorbell rang. I didn't know who it would be. I started walking to the door but Alex beat me there. He placed his hand and turned the knob. He pulled open the door and started blankly at the figure outside my door.

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