93 - the end

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*skip a few weeks ahead*
Leilas ending (Leilas POV)
The day I left Alex in the movie theater was one of the best, yet one of the worst. I miss him a lot, but I feel free without him criticizing my every move. Technically we're still together, but it doesn't feel like it. The last time talked was last week. Alex and I didn't bring out good sides in each other, but maybe we need time apart to show how much we need to be together.

Alex's ending (Alex's POV)
The day Leila walked out of the movie theater was the worst day of my life. I messed everything up, it was all my fault. I miss her so much, even though we're not technically split. Leila found her voice that day, maybe that's what was missing, and that's why we didn't have an easy relationship. Leila just did what I said, never what she wanted to do. All I know for sure is that I'm going to get her back, no matter what.

Adriana's ending (Adri's POV)
Carlos and I were officially together. I honestly am scared that our relationship is going to turn out like Leilas and Alex's, I really didn't want that to happen. Leila has been happier without Alex. She comes to school with tons of energy and looks at everything so optimistically.

Carlos's ending (CARLOS'S POV)
My poor guy Alex is so upset about Leila. I wanna try to cheer him up, but nothing works. He won't even get out of bed on the weekends. He is going through a rough time, but I starting to seriously worry about him. Adriana and I finally made it official. I love her so much and I really hope that our relationship doesn't end up like Alex and Leilas.

Cameron's ending (Cam's POV)
Poor Leila. I'm glad that I'm the one she called when at the movies with Alex. He stressed her out a lot and it was starting to get to her. Now that she knows what she wants from life she's been a lot happier. I tried getting closer with her, but she's constantly with Gio. Honestly, I think that they are messing around behind everyone's backs. It upsets me a little because I love her so much.

Gio's ending (Gio's POV)
Leila and I have been a lot closer lately. We hang out every night. I really am in love with her. I don't know how she does it, but she makes me so happy. We're not technically together, because Alex won't let Leila break up with him. He was soo sweet and I honestly don't know what went wrong.

Thanks for reading this. I didn't want to end it like this, but this book is taking up my life. Comment - Vote - Share

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