Chapter 45

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*Ongoing call*
A: Leila who the hell is Cam
Leila: Alex what are you talking about
A: Leila don't play dumb with me. I saw your Instagram post. His comment wasn't hard to miss. Frankly it stood out a little to me.
Leila: Alex. Listen. I ordered food last night and he delivered it for me. HE asked if I had Instagram so I gave him my username. That's it baby. I promise you.
A: ok. I'll see you on the bus.
Leila: ok baby
A: I love you Leila
Leila: I love you Alex
A: bye
Leila: bye
*call ends*

I got on the bus and sat with Alex. He grinned at me and held my hand. I laid my head on his shoulder.

A: I'm sorry
Leila: for what?
A: for being so jealous
Leila: Alex come on don't be so hard on yourself. Your protective.
A: because I'm in love with you Leila. My whole heart is yours.
Leila: Alex. Your mine. You always will be. I love you so much. Don't get jealous of one of my friends. Ok?
A: I'll be better baby, I promise.
Leila: I love you alex
A: I love you more

When we got to the school Alex and I split apart. He went over with his friends and I went with Adriana. Carlos walks over to me with Alex following behind him. Carlos hugs me from behind, considering that he's one of my friends.

A: watch yourself bud

I turned around and hugged Carlos back and gave Alex a little bit of a stare.

Leila: what's up guys?
C: umm well I was wondering if you could help me with my history stuff and alex felt the need to escort me.
Leila: I would love to help with your history stuff.
C: great!
Leila: you can come to my house after school if your free
C: can I ride the bus home with you?
Leila: yep go for it
C: thanks Leila.
Leila: no problem.

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