chapter 32

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Good morning I said to Alex who was still half asleep next to me. He opened his eyes, all the way this time and i grinned lightly making him grin right back. I stood up and walked over to where my family is and hugged every one of them. I picked up Luna and took her over where Alex and I were. She's almost six months old which means we've boom in school for almost a month. Which means Alex and I have been dating for almost a month. It's crazy, 5 more days and it's our one month anniversary. I know that's not long but it's an accomplishment for us. I sat Luna on my lap and she did her little version of hugging. I handed her to Alex and she looked like she just won the lottery. She loves him so much. Alex puts her in her chair and we go upstairs. I grabbed my phone and went into the bathroom. When I walked out Alex was changing his shirt. I tried to act like I didn't notice, but I kept staring at him.

A: baby what do you want to do today?
Leila: we could take Luna and Laci and go to the mall.
A: that sounds like fun.
Leila: i don't know if laci would want to go with us though.
A: so me and you can go with Luna.
Leila: ok sounds good.
A: I can't wait to spend the whole day with you.
Leila: I'm excited too
A: ok we better get going.

Alex took my hand and hooked our fingers together. We talked my mom into taking us to the mall. When we got out to the car I decided to post on Instagram.


whosleila head up babe💞Liked by justlaci loren blesiv gio2saucy and 101343 othersBlesiv pretty girl💞Justlaci I want this shirt backLoren gorg❤️gio2saucy ahhh prettyJoeybirlem imyhaliabeamer cute😊

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whosleila head up babe💞
Liked by justlaci loren blesiv gio2saucy and 101343 others
Blesiv pretty girl💞
Justlaci I want this shirt back
Loren gorg❤️
gio2saucy ahhh pretty
Joeybirlem imy
haliabeamer cute😊

We got to the mall and my mom dropped us off. I pulled Luna out of her seat and we walked in. We sorta just walked around. We didn't need to buy anything. We went into H&M because I love that store. I found a shirt that I really liked. I put Luna down on a chair and she grabbed at Alex's leg. He picked her up and she hugged him. It was the cutest thing ever. Honestly i don't think that Luna would act that way around Joey or Gio. I bought the shirt and we walked out. I grabbed Luna from Alex and we started waking. After five minutes she fell asleep on my shoulder. We went to the food court just so we could sit down for a minute. We called my mom and went home. Her my dad and Laci went out to dinner after we got home so it was just me and Alex because she sent Luna to the babysitters. Right after they left Alex locked the door and kissed me. Then we started making out. And one thing led to another and you know what happened.

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