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Leila: I think that my dad is going to lighten up on you.
A: well that's a good thing

Alex and I just sat around talking for a while. He left after about 2 hours of laying around doing absolutely nothing. I cleaned up my room a little bit, picking up dirty clothes and reorganizing my vanity. I went downstairs to get something to eat for dinner. We didn't have much so I just snacked on small things all night. I finally got a little bit tired and I want up to my room to get ready for bed. I went in my bathroom and put my hair in a messy bun and I washed my face. I then brushed my teeth and I changed into pajamas. I slid into my bed and played games on my phone for a while. I eventually fell asleep just like a baby. I must have been super tired and not realized it.

When I woke up the next morning I realized that I had slept in. I had only 15 minutes to get ready for school and not miss the bus. I used the bathroom and I threw on a random outfit. I walked downstairs and grabbed something to eat. After that, I picked up my phone and walked outside hoping that I didn't miss the bus. When I got to the end of the driveway I saw laci already down there.

Leila: good to know that I didn't miss the bus.
L: yeah it's late today
Leila: good thing. I slept in this morning.
L: how are you?
Leila: what do you mean?
L: I heard about your breakup with Alex. It must have been hard.
Leila: yeah it was.

The bus finally stopped at our house and we got on. I sat as far away from Alex as I could. I listened to music for a while until my phone started to vibrate.

Message from Alex❤️
You look so pretty today.

To Alex
Awe thank you! I really miss sitting my you.

From Alex
People will find out eventually, right?

To Alex
Yeah I guess your right

From Alex
I love you

To Alex
I love you too

From Alex
I hope people find out about us today

To Alex
I don't

From Alex
I know

To Alex
Wanna hangout tonight

From Alex
Obviously! When and where?

To Alex
My place at seven

From Alex
Ok I'll be there

To Alex
I can't wait!

From Alex
Me neither! Anyways... Gio or Carlos is gonna catch on... I'll text you later...

To Alex

From Alex
I love you Leila

To Alex
I love you more!

We stopped texting and about 3 minutes later we pulled into the school. I got off the bus and I walked over to Adriana.

Alex's POV.
When the bus came to a stop, everyone stood up. We slowly walked of the bus. I got pushed out of my seat so I was walking behind Leila. I slipped a note into her back pocket of her ripped jeans. I walked off the bus and I stood with Carlos, Joey, and Gio.

G: hey dude how are you doing?
A: umm not good.
C: yeah. You miss her don't you?

I looked over to Leila laughing with Adriana.

A: yeah I do. I miss her a lot.
J: yeah mmhm
A: whatcha implying?
J: dude you two are together again. What are ya talking about you really miss her.
A: what are you talking about?
J: you know what I'm talking about.

Everyone looked up and saw Leila standing with Cameron and Adriana. When she realized that we were looking at them she whispered something in his ear. He laughed than grinned to her.

C: Joey, bud, Alex might be right. She looks like she's moved on.
G: yeah poor Alex.

Leilas POV
Alex and his friends were definitely talking about me. I whispered in Cameron's ear and he found it funny.

Leila: it's not that funny
C: it kind of is
Leila: not really
C: yeah really

The bell rung and I went up to my locker. Alex slipped something into my pocket when we were on the bus so I pulled it out to see what it was. I pulled it out and found a small, neat note.

You look so pretty (like always). I really just want to kiss you. Anyways I love you❤️

While I was reading this Gio came up behind me.

G: whatcha got Leila??

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