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I shoved Alex's note into my book and I looked up at Gio.

Leila: what do you mean?
G: you obviously just had something in your hand
Leila: Umm my phone *holds up phone*
G: anyways I was wondering if you wanted to hangout tonight. We could go to the movies or something.
Leila: can I bring Adriana?
G: if I can bring Alex
Leila: Seriously?
G: yes you two need to get over yourselves and make up.
Leila: I'll go if he goes.
G: fInE I'll ask him in geometry
Leila: GREAT

After that yelling match, Gio and I both walked to geometry. When I got in the room Alex was on his phone. I sat down next to Adriana.

Adri: hey leils
Leila: Gio Alex and I are going to the movies. Do you want to go?
Adri: i would love to

I walked over to Gio and Alex.

Gio: Adriana is going
A: with us tonight?
Leila: yeah where else would she be going?
G: hey cool off a bit.

I went to walk away and alex winked at me. I went back over to Adriana and we started talking.

A: so what's up with you and Alex?
Leila: what do you mean?
A: he winked at you. You blushed. I think...
Leila: promise not to tell?
Adri: yeah obviously
Leila: well we're together. We just weren't planing on telling anyone about it.
Adri: awhh
Leila: shhh I don't want everyone to know
Adri: why not?
Leila: were just keeping on the DL for a while. If people ask something like are you and Alex together we will tell them but I just think that we're doing the best thing for us.
Adri: yeah probably

When the last bell of the day rung I sprinted to my locker to find my jacket. I put it on and grabbed my bag and I headed out to find Gio. He was at his car with Alex.

G: hey
Leila: hi
G: oh yeah.. I told Adriana that we canceled
Leila: why
G: because. Just get in the car. Both of you sit in the back.
Leila: fine
A: fine.

We were driving for about two minutes when Gio started in on us.

G: you two need to make up.
A: dude calm down. She's angry and I understand why.
G: I don't care, she'll get over it.
A: seriously Gio?
Leila: actually... maybe he has a point.
A: you want to be friends again?!
Leila: well let's not take it that far
A: let's take it that far
Leila: Alex...
G: ooo she said your name. Maybe she actually wants to be friends with you again.
Leila: oh my god Gio, stop it.
G: huh?
Leila: Alex and I made up on the night of the dance.
A: and Joey this morning telling me that I was lying, well he was right.
Leila: were together.
A: we just didn't tell anyone because Leila wanted  to keep it on the DL for a little while.
G: so your seriously together?
A: yeah we're together.
G: awhh you shouldn't keep it from people
Leila: why?
G: because someone is going to end up having someone else flirting with them and that's not going to go well.
A: that's a fair point, but this was Leila's idea. Whatever she wants goes.
G: that's sweet
Leila: yeah I know
G: who all knows your together?
Leila: you, Joey, Adriana, and my parents.
G: wow you really told everyone you know didn't you.
Leila: shut up Gio.

We got to the movie theater. We chose the movie we wanted to see. I followed Gio and Alex into the theater. I sat in between Alex and Gio. The movie started and the lights turned off. Halfway through the movie my phone started ringing.

Leila: I'll be right back.
A: what's wrong baby??
Leila: I just have a call to take.
A: I'll come out with you.
Leila: no, it's ok I can go.
A: id be more than happy to come with you
Leila: fine let's go.

I walked out of the door and I looked down at my phone.

Missed call from mom

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