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I watched Netflix until Alex knocked on my door. I walked downstairs to grab the door, to find that laci beat me there.

L: what are you doing here?
A: I'm here to see your sister.
Leila: laci why don't you just let him in. It's cold outside.
L: I thought you guys broke up, so why is he here?
Leila: well we got back together, secretly. Nobody really knows that we're back together.
L: why did you get back together. I thought you two hated each other.
A: I love her
Leila: I missed him
L: eww love.

We pushed past laci and her interrogation and went upstairs. Alex opened my door and went to sit on my bed. I sat next to him.

Leila: what do you want to do?
A: I don't care. It's up to you.
Leila: I don't care either.
A: well we want to stay in.
Leila: we don't have to.
A: So we can go out?
Leila: yeah. Let's get out and go somewhere.
A: ok!

Alex picked up my phone off my nightstand and pulled me out of my room. We walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where we found my mom and laci.

Leila: can we go out somewhere?
Mom: where are you going?
Leila: we haven't chose yet.
Mom: yeah you guys can go out. Be back by 9. No sex. Hear me?
Leila: yes mom. We hear you.

Alex and I walked out of my house and over to his house. We talked his mom into taking us to the mall. On our way to his house we had a long conversation.

Leila: I'm sorry about my mom...
A: yeah that was kind of awkward.
Leila: well she thinks that when they're gone you're going to stay over, which you're still planning on, right?
A: yeah
Leila: well she thinks that we're going to have sex. I told her we wouldn't...
A: well we could.
Leila: yeah...

When we got to the mall we hopped out of the car. Alex grabbed my hand and locked his fingers with mine.

A: where do you want to go?
Leila: where ever you want. I don't care what we do.
A: are you sure?
Leila: yes I'm sure. Show me what you like to do in the mall.
A: ok! Let's go.

Alex pulled me into a store I didn't recognize. We got in there and he looked at shoes.

Leila: can we go to Victoria's Secret after we're done in here?
A: seriously?
Leila: yes seriously.
A: fine I'll go with you under one condition.
Leila: what?
A: you let me pick something out for you, and you have to buy it.
Leila: uhh seriously?
A: yes seriously. I'm not kidding.
Leila: fine deal.

We went over to Victoria's Secret. When I got in there I looked at Pink leggings. I picked up a pair and held them up to my legs. They looked like they would be too big. Then Alex walked over to me with a bra in his hands.

Leila: what did you find?
A: buy this.
Leila: this is my size and everything.
A: I know that's why I picked it out.

I took the bra from his hand and paid for it. After I paid we walked out of the store.

A: you have to wear that on Wednesday.
Leila: I don't know...
A: come on...
Leila: maybe

Alex and I walked through the mall and didn't find anything else. We called my mom to come pick us up. While we waited for mom, we sat down in a bench and talked.

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