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The next morning I woke up ready for everything that was going to happen today and tomorrow. I put on a hoodie and a pair of leggings because I knew that I'd want to be comfy. I went outside and got on the bus and sat next to Alex.

A: hey baby
Leila: hey
A: are you ready for tonight?
Leila: yeah I guess
A: what do you mean?

I didn't explain to Alex I just shrugged my shoulders. He held my hand.

A: is Cameron coming to see you tonight?
Leila: yeah, why?
A: I just wondered
Leila: Alex don't do anything you'll regret
A: I won't baby
Leila: Promise
A: promise
Leila: good. Anyways do you wanna come home with me after school?
A: yeah I'd love to
Leila: ok great.

Alex hugged me and I laid my head on his shoulder. When we finally got to school I got up out of the seat and walked off the bus. I walked in the school and straight to Adriana.

A: hey Leils
Leila: hey adri
A: excited for tonight?
Leila: obviously
A: your so lucky. You get to be a rep with your boyfriend, and don't even get me started on your relationship. It's just so perfect.
Leila: what do you mean?
A: well you never fight. He loves you so much I can tell.
Leila: that's so not true
A: really?
Leila: Alex and I argue all the time
A: seriously?

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