chapter 22

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Joey hugged me and told me that it would all be ok. I didn't have to worry about anything. He looked like he wanted to kiss me. He probably did. I ended up falling asleep on the couch next to him. When I woke up he had his arm around me smiling at me.

Joey: well hi sleepyhead
Leila: hi Joey

I was looking in joeys eyes. They were so amazing and he smelled good.

Joey: what?
Leila: *giggling* nothing
Joey: come on silly. Why are you staring at me?
Leila: i wasn't *crosses arms*
Joey: yes you were
Leila: i was not
Joey: tell meeeee
Leila: i was staring at your eyes. There pretty.
Joey: awhhh no there not.
Leila: yes they are
Joey: well *stares at Leila.*
Leila: What?
Joey: I think your prettier
Leila: not possible
Joey: nothing beats you you're gorgeous
Leila: Joey stoppp *nuzzles her head in his chest*
Joey: *plays with Leila's hair*
Leila: i like this
Joey: I've been telling you that you would.
Leila: but what about Alex.
Joey: break up with him
Leila: Joey you've become my best friend. Alex is my boyfriend. Gio is my friend. Its all sorted out.

After about 30 minuets I fell back asleep.

Joey POV
Leila fell asleep. I swear she's the cutest human being I've ever laid my eyes on. Being with her makes me so happy. I walk back over and sit by Leila on the couch. She sits up and lays her head on my chest and falls back asleep.

*about 15 minuets later*

I hear a loud knock on the door than somebody comes storming through Leila's house. It was Alex. I walked over to him.

Alex: what the hell are you doing here Joey
Joey: I could ask you the same thing
Alex: where is my girlfriend
Joey: are you sure about that? *winks*
Alex: stay away from her
Joey: I'm not sure you can keep her away from me
Alex: *walks over to Joey and punches him in the face, ribs, collar bones.* where is she
Joey: over on the couch sleeping
Alex: *walks over to leila* Leila... baby...

Leila's pov

Joey started shaking me telling me to wake up. He was probably going to go home. He's been here all night. As I started to wake up I realized that it wasn't Joey waking me up.

Leila: Alex?
Alex: are you ok baby did he hurt you?
Leila: where's Joey?
Alex: he's over there
Joey: *wincing in pain* Leila? Are you awake?
Leila: Alex what's going on?
Joey: Leila I need help
Leila: Alex what did you do? *walking over to Joey*

When I got to where Joey was I was surprised to see him laying on the floor with blood running down his face.

Leila: Alex what did you do?
Alex: I punched him.
Leila: *cups joeys face in her hands* hey it will be ok.

I walked over to Alex to see a tiny scrape on his forehead and bruised knuckles. I could slap him. I couldn't believe he would do this. He's so overprotective.

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