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When my mom got to the mall to pick us up Alex and I were super relived. We had been sitting on the mall bench for almost 30 minutes. We rode home with my mom. When we got in the car, Laci was sitting in the front seat. After we got back to my house Alex and I went up to my room.

A: what are we going to do on Wednesday?
Leila: i don't know. It's up to you.
A: nope. It's up to you.
Leila: I guess what we will play it the minute then.
A: fine my be.

Alex and I watched Netflix for a while and talked about the most random things. After a while he stood up out of the chair he was sitting in.

A: Leila, it's late I think I should get going...
Leila: ok

I got up out of my chair and hugged Alex. He pulled me closer to him and lifted my chin. He kissed me. I kissed back. After about 15 seconds he pulled away.

A: I love you Leila. So much.
Leila: I love you too.

I walked down the stairs, to the door with Alex.

Leila: I'll see you tomorrow.
A: I was thinking... maybe we could have Gio take us.. then we could ride together in the morning.
Leila: that sounds great!

Alex walked out of the door and I shut it behind him. I walked back upstairs to my room. I sat down at my vanity to do skincare stuff. After that I put my hair up and got ready for bed. I slipped into my sheets and turned on my tv. Not surprisingly, I turned on Netflix. Eventually I fell asleep.

AN: sorry this is so short. It's just a fill chapter. I'm going to start writing longer chapters.

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