chapter four

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I kissed Alex back. He smiled like a child. God, I love this boy. I change into a comfy outfit.

A: ooo my baby's looking attractive Leila: Thank you

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A: ooo my baby's looking attractive
Leila: Thank you. *twirls like she's a model*
A: yes princess get it.
Leila: *giggles*

I went back downstairs not realizing that this shirt reveals the hickeys on my neck. Alex and I sat back in our spot on on the couch. When the movie was over we the girls and I went up to my room for a little bit.
We talked about boys, I mean that's what we always do.

H: Leila we want to know what happened with you and alex.
Leila: what do you mean?
Z: that's obviously his stuff in the bag on your floor.
Leila: so he stayed here last night.
S: and what happened
Leila: that's private information
H: tell us
Z: please
S: it's not like is already obvious
Z: the hickeys on your neck explain everything
Leila: fine. He spent the night last night and we made out. That's literally all that happened.

Alex's perspective.
Nobody noticed the hickeys on my neck at first. The one on my collar bone was bold so it was only a matter of time before someone noticed.

•c- Carlos co- Cody•

C: so you and Leila hooked up?
A: no we didn't not yet at least
J: *rolls his eyes at this statement*
CO: so you really like her huh?
A: yah i do.

Joey seemed very uncomfortable. I knew he liked Leila but so did I. I felt kinda bad so I told the guys I was going to go get the girls.

Leilas perspective.
Alex walked in my room and tells me that we have to come downstairs. All of the girls went right down.

Leila: what's wrong baby?
A: it's getting awkward.
Leila: how so?
A: we were talking about last night and the night before.
Leila: so we're we.
A: yah but the difference between our conversations is that Joey was down there.
Leila: so?
A: he's had a crush on you since seventh grade.
Leila: oh my god.
A: don't let him know that you know. He will freak out.
Leila: Ok
A: *kisses Leilas forehead*

When we walk downstairs everyone stares at us. It's like we were famous. Alex and I looked at each other with a relieving look. He takes my hand and intertwines in fingers with mine. When we sat down on the couch I lay back a little bit and Alex puts his head on my chest. Everything was super awkward. Nobody would say anything. Finally Cody asked Zoe if she wanted to go back to his place. They are the cutest couple in our friend group. Their literally Alex and I's relationship goals. After they left everyone else started pouring out. Finally it was just me and Alex left. Alex and I cuddle up on the couch and...

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