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Alex's perspective

When I finally came across Joey he was with Gio and Carlos.

J: dude you messed up.
G: why would you do that?
A: guys there's a longer story.
J: I told Leila day one that you would be bad for her.
A: seriously?
J: yeah I did
A: anyways, I need help getting her back.
J: you broke her heart. Why would I help you. You're lucky I'm not in there asking her to dance.
A: please help me. I need her.
G: how can we help?
A: get Joey or Cameron to go talk to her. She will lighten up.
J: I'm not. You better go find Cameron before Leila does.

The words that Joey said rang in my ears as I rushed through the gymnasium to find Cameron. Finally I found him leaned up against the bleachers with Leila. Their heads were 2 inches away from each other. When I saw them side by side all of my hope and strength shattered.

Leilas perspective
Adriana and I went to dance as soon as I was done with Alex. I was really frustrated with him. While we were dancing I felt a tap on my shoulder from the back.

C: dance with me
Leila: awh Cameron. Yeah I will.
C: what happened with you and Alex?
Leila: you heard?
C: you're like the whole schools favorite couple. The whole school knows that you broke up, but why?
Leila: he was dancing with some other girl

As soon as Cameron registered the words that came out of my mouth he pulled me over to the bleachers. We stood there for a while and I then noticed Alex staring at me from across the gym. He started walking over to us. Stand your ground. Be firm. I thought to myself.

A: Leila please let me explain.
Leila: you shouldn't have to explain.
A: Leila come on. Just talk to me.
Cam: I think you should keep your distance for awhile buddy.

Alex walked away with a frown.

Leila: DO NOT fight my battles for me. Got it?
C: yes ma'am
Leila: now I'm going to find Carlos
C: can I come with you?
Leila: I'm going alone
C: whatever you want

I went looking for Carlos. On the way I bumped into Joey.

J: awh Leila I heard what happened.
Leila: how does everyone know?
J: Alex told us. I almost punched the guy.

Joey pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back.

Leila: oh then that's the third time he's almost got punched tonight.
J: Leila
Leila: yeah Joey
J: now do you believe me when I said that you shouldn't be with him?
Leila: yeah. I do.
J: good
Leila: your trying to make yourself look like the hero. I know you are.
J: is it working.

Joey pulled me closer to him.

Leila: only a little
J: as long as it's working
Leila: Joey...
J: yeah?
Leila: I'm sorry.
J: for what?
Leila: not believing you
J: about..?
Leila: Alex

Joey grabbed my hand and led me out to the middle of the gym. He pulled me closer to him and I laid my head on his shoulder. When the song was over I looked up to see both Alex and Carlos staring at me.

J: Leila it's ok. Just ignore them.
Leila: it's not ok. He practically cheated on me.
J: want to go yell at him together?
Leila: I think I might let him explain.
J: It will definitely make things better between you two.
Leila: will you come with me?
J: of course I will. I'm not just going to stand here.

We walked over to Alex. Carlos was standing beside him staring at my hand that was interlocked with joeys.

A: you just did the same thing that I did Leila. You danced with someone else. Please don't yell at me.
Leila: were technically broken up. So I didn't do the same thing that you did, but anyways I came to let you explain.
A: really?! Let's walk.

Alex and I walked out of the gym and sat on the same stairs I had cried on 15 minutes earlier.

A: Miranda was obviously drunk. She came up to me and placed herself on me. Leila I wouldn't cheat on you.
Leila: is this actually what happened?
A: yeah, I wouldn't lie to you.
Leila: ok. I understand.
A: so we're cool again?
Leila: we may be cool, but Alex, I'm not getting back together with you.
A: is it Joey? Or Cameron? No it's probably Carlos.
Leila: Alex this is not because of another guy, this is because I need space.
A: ok. I understand. But just know that I'll wait for you. When you don't need space I'll be here. Remember that. Ok?

Leila: Wait as long as you want.
On that note I got up and walked back into the gym. Joey was waiting for me at the entrance.

Leila: Joey why don't you came home with me after the dance? We can catch up.
J: I'd love that Leila. 

I spent the rest of the dance talking and dancing. Joey never left my side. I was so thankful that he wounded up with me, and not anybody else.

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