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Alex and I kept walking and we ended up at a park.

Leila: why did we come here?
A: because I know how much you like parks, how peaceful they are.
Leila: awh Alex. That's so sweet.
A: so you like that we came here?
Leila: I love it.

A grin spread across Alex's face.

A: let's go over here

Alex took my hand and pulled me over to a bench. We sat there in awkward silence for a few minutes.

A: so...
Leila: this is really awkward
A: yeah I agree
Leila l: maybe we should go back to my place?
A: is laci there?
Leila: no she is with Logan, why?
A: because we're keeping it on the DL for a while, right?
Leila: yeah you're right
A: so we can go back to your place?
Leila: uhh my dad and Luna are there but other than that the place is all ours.
A: what are you waiting for? Let's go!

Alex pulled me up off of the bench and we walked back to my house. When we got there I warned Alex about my dad.

Leila: my dad... uhh he will probably be a little upset
A: why?
Leila: he found out my version of the story when I was mad at you.
A: damn he's gonna hate me now
Leila: yeah probably
A: ok let's go in
Leila: ok

We walked inside and we made it hall way up the staircase before my dad noticed us.

Dad: Leila come here. You too alex.
Leila: what?
Dad: were going to have a chat

Leila: *whispers to Alex* don't cuss and agree with everything he says and you'll be fine.
A: *whispers back* ok got it.

Dad: come on. Have a seat.

I sat down on the couch across from my dad and Alex sat next to me. He placed his hand on my mid thigh. He was definitely afraid of what my dad had to say and honestly, so was I.

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