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I didn't sleep that night, I was just restless. I kept thinking about what happened. I mean I never told Alex, if I would have told him, he really would have punched Gio. I keep getting flashbacks of the moment and they become more clear every time. Not Alex nor Adriana knows the whole story of what happened tonight.

Flashback to when Leila was in the bathroom with Gio

Gio had just let me into the bathroom. I needed to talk to him about the text. When he opened the door, I found him leaned against the side of the bathtub. I sat down next to him.

Leila: did you mean everything you said in that message?

G: every single word.

Leila: why did you tell me you felt like this?

G: what was I going to do? Come up to you and say "hi Leila I am in love with you and it grows stronger everyday. Ok bye"

Leila: well you could have been more subtle than that.

Gio smiles and takes my hand.

G: everyone is in love with you this year, aren't they?

Leila: yeah they really are.

G: how many people have told you that they are in love with you?

Leila: well Alex did, but that is obvious.

G: yeah a little. Who else?

Leila: Joey did. I remember Alex told me that Joey liked me. Joey was one of my best friends, we would hangout all of the time. Alex became very jealous and I had to have a talk with both of them together. Alex was super mean to Joey and he ran out. I ran after him and he kissed me.

G: I think I remember that story. You called me after that happened and I came over.

Leila: yeah you were what comforted me. Carlos told me that he loved me too. He told me during a study session. You gave me that note about him trying to hook up with me. He denied it, but I wouldn't doubt that that was his main goal. You know you've always had a nag for writing. You wrote me that letter, the message.

G: yeah I remember that letter it was quick. I wanted to protect you.

Leila: But you, I don't know how you did it. You just like, got me hooked on you. I distinctly remember when we were in the hospital and you called me babygirl. That stuck with me and it won't leave. That paragraph that you wrote me...

G: about that...

Leila: I love you too.

G: what?

Leila: yeah I know. Tacky right?

G: what do you mean?

Leila: exactly what I said. Gio I love you. I love that message. I love being around you. You, I love you.

Gio didn't say anything in return as a response. He just sat there. He turned his head and smiled at me. He was being really awkward. I think he was going to kiss me, but he's being super slow. I took control, because apparently he was bad at it. I grabbed his face and kissed his lips. He laid his hands on my hips and pulled me into his lap. The kiss continued to grow deeper. The deeper it grew the more I remembered the message he sent to me. The words he wrote rung in my ears as we continued to deepen the kiss. Finally I pulled away.

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