chapter 15

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Our new house is huge. I don't know how our parents afforded it. It's crazy big. There was a pool and a hot tub.

We walked inside to see our mom holding an baby.

M: Leila, Laci I missed you girls so much
Leila: can we see the baby?

M: *holds the baby out for me to take*L: want are you going to name her?M: your dad and I were thinking about Luna

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M: *holds the baby out for me to take*
L: want are you going to name her?
M: your dad and I were thinking about Luna.
Leila: i love that how old is she?
D: six months
M: follow me I'll show you your rooms I have already decorated them and everything

*walks up grabs staircase into a large room*

M: this is Leila's room.

M: this is Leila's room

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Leila: mom this is perfect

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Leila: mom this is perfect. I love it so much. I can't believe you did this.
M: I'm glad you like it.
Leila: can I take Luna and go to the park? I would like to get to know her.
M: yes of course
Leila: do you mind if a friend goes with me than comes back here later?
M: that's fine. We will be hauling boxes all night.

I put Luna in her stroller then called Alex.

A: hello
Leila: are you busy right now
A: no why
Leila: meet me at the park in 20 minuets
A: ok I'll be there
Leila: ok bye
A: bye

I grabbed one of my bags because I know my mom doesn't have a diaper bag ready. I throw in some toys, wipes, diapers, passifiar, a cup full of water, blanket, and a change of clothes. I stick my phone and the bag in the stroller and I walk to the park. I live closer to the park now. It's a good thing, it's my favorite place to be.
Alex isn't here yet so I sit on a bench and i play with Luna.

A: *from behind* she's cute
Leila: which one of us?
A: well the baby in the stroller is cute but the girl sitting on the park bench is gorgeous
Leila: *kisses Alex* the boy sitting on the park bench isn't too bad himself
A: you know it baby
Leila: do you want to come to my new house with me later?
A: I would love to baby.

I took Luna out of her stroller so Alex could hold her. He's so good with babies. As I was bent over grabbing Luna's bottle I hear loud footsteps approach. I grab the bottle and look up to see Alex surrounded by fans. They ask a whole bunch of questions like, Is that your baby? Is she your girlfriend? Is it both of yours? Alex seemed a little overwhelmed so I took Luna from him and gave her the bottle. We decided it was finally time to head back. I carried Luna and Alex pushed her stroller.

A: that was crazy.
Leila: yah it was.
A: I'm going to meet your parents aren't I?
Leila: yep
A: ok I'm ready
Leila: good.

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