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A: Leila, why is he here?
Leila: I invited him.
A: you could have told me.
Leila: you said invite who I wanted.
A.: fine. Your right.
Leila: Cameron, why don't you come in?

Alex really hates Cameron, and I have to clue why. Cameron is super sweet and had always been there for me. Maybe he thinks that I would leave in for Cameron, but I wouldn't ever leave.

Leila: Cameron why don't you have a seat. Alex and I are going to run upstairs for a minute, I have to grab my phone.

I pulled Alex upstairs with me. We walked inside my room.

Leila: why are you so mean to him?
A: I'm not.
Leila: yes you are. You're acting just like you were with Joey.
A: no I'm not.
Leila: Alex, what's wrong?
A: I'm jealous Leila, I'm always jealous and I'm sorry.
Leila: why are you jealous?

I sat Alex down on my bed, then I sat down next to him.

A: he's all over you. You guys are super close. It just worries me Leila.
Leila: don't ever worry. It's me and you, ok?
A: ok.

I picked up my phone off the stand and grabbed Alex's hand. I dragged him downstairs with me. When we reached the bottom of the staircase I saw that two other people had arrived. Adriana and Carlos were sitting on the couch next to Cameron. I went over and sat down next to Carlos. He smiled to me and I smiled back. Alex came over and sat next to me. He pulled me closer to him, pulling me farther away from Carlos. Finally, Joey and Gio knocked on the door. I got up from that awkward situation and went to open the door.

Leila: hi guys, come on in.

Everyone sat on the couch in awkward silence for about 4 minutes. Finally, Adriana started talking.

Adri: let's play a game!
Leila: what game?
C: truth or dare is easy
Adri: yeah let's play truth or dare. Carlos you start.
C: Leila. Truth or dare?
Leila: truth.
C: why did you get back together with Alex?
Leila: because I love him.

I glanced at Alex and he smiled at me. He pulled me over to him and wrapped his arm around me.

Leila: Adriana. Truth or dare?
Adri: truth.
Leila: Boring. If could date anyone in this room who would it be?
Adri: uhh probably Carlos because we're closest.
Leila: awh that's cute.
Adri: Alex. Truth or dare?
A: dare
Adri: do 7 minuets in heaven with Leila.

I looked at Alex and gave him a grin. He pulled me upstairs, directly into my room.

A: what are we gonna do baby? We have a whole 7 minutes.
Leila: I don't know.

I pulled Alex closer to me. He sat on my bed and pulled me on top of him. He started kissing me. I rolled over and he placed himself on top of me. I kissed him and he kissed back. He slid his hand under my shirt, then we heard the timer go off. I was saved by the timer. As much as I love Alex, I didn't want it to turn into anything more than it was. I'm not ready to take the next step in our relationship, for the second time.

Alex got off of me and pulled me up. We walked back downstairs and sat on the couch.

C: what did you do?
A: chill we didn't do anything.
Leila: yeah. Alex it's your turn to ask someone.
A: Gio. Truth or dare.
G: dare
A: text your crush and confess your love for them.
G: really man?
A: do it.

Gio looked at me, knowing that I knew he was going to message me. Gio pulled his phone out of his pocket and started typing. He seemed to be typing for a while.

G: Alex I don't think I can send this.
A: do it man.

Gio looked at his phone nervously, then looked up at me. Alex followed his eyes.

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