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Joey was ahead of me on the stairs and got up to my room first.

J: Leila your phone is ringing
Leila: ok

I picked up my phone to see who was calling me. It was no other than Alex. I went to sent him to voicemail when Joey started talking.

J: Leila you need to talk to him.
Leila: I did
J: he's broken without you.
Leila: Joey, why are you on his side. Like seriously.
J: because as much as I want to be with you, I really want to see you two back together.
Leila: yeah. Ok.
J: what? That was not very convincing.
Leila: Alex and I, Well we rushed into things. We had our first kiss the second freaking day we were together.
J: yeah I know. Just talk to him.
Leila: ok fine.

I walked out of my room and down to the living room. I texted Alex.

To Alex
We should talk things out in person. My place maybe?

From Alex

To Alex
Is that what you want?

From Alex
I'll be there in 5 minuets

To Alex

As I waited for Alex to show up at my place I walked upstairs to tell Joey.

Leila: Alex is coming to talk things over.
J: good.
Leila: thank you.

Joey looked at me and smiled.

J: Leila you know that I'd do anything for you. This is it.

I smiled at him and walked downstairs. Alex rung the doorbell and I went to answer it.

A: Leila.... uh hi.
Leila: let's sit on the swing.

I walked over to the swing and sat down. Alex followed me over and sat next to me.

A: Leila I..
Leila: actually can I talk?
A: yeah. Go for it.
Leila: Alex I'm really sorry.
A: Leila I'm the sorry one.
Leila: no. You shouldn't be. If you story is true, if it checks out.. well I made a huge deal out of nothing. And I was so awful.
A: Leila come on.
Leila: Alex I'm really sorry I acted like that.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

A: Leila... come on. If I had pushed her off that none of this would be happening. I really... really didn't want this to happen.
Leila: I know alex.

I got of the swing and used the sleeve of my sweater to wipe my eyes.

A: Leils don't cry..
Leila: how can I not?

Alex wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

A: this isn't your fault Leila.

He pulled me into a full hug and I hugged back.

Leila: Alex?
A: yeah?
Leila: how long would you have waited?
A: a really long time
Leila: I would wait for you too.
A: well neither of us should be waiting... Leila, will you be my girlfriend again?
Leila: yes 100% yes
A: I missed you.
Leila: we only broke up for an hour
A: I still missed you.
Leila: I love you.
A: I love you more.

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