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"Are you ok?" The voice asked

I lifted my head out of my hands and there was Carlos standing in front of me.

C: Leila come on talk to me
L: no I'm fine
C: if you were fine you wouldn't be sitting here
L: ok... and
C: tell me what's going on
L: well alex is in there dancing, but with someone else. Not me.
C: awh Leila

Carlos stood me up with him and hugged me.

C: Leila it will be ok
L: I don't even want to go back in the gym
C: ok than lets go.
L: what are you talking about
C: go back in the gym with me.
L: Carlos. Seriously?
C: do it, come on. If Alex can spend time with someone else so can you.
L: fine let's go.

Carlos grabbed my hand and pulled me into the gym with him. We walked over to where all our friends were and stood talking to them. Carlos kept his arm around his waist the whole time.

Adri: where's Alex?
L: with his other girlfriend
Adri: what do you mean?
L: well him and another girl we're getting pretty cozy while dancing.
Adri: awh Leila are you ok?
L: no I really just want to scream at him.
Adri: than let's go do it.
L: what?
Adri: let's go scream at him.

Adriana pulled me through crowds of people to find Alex. When we finally found Alex he was sitting on the gym bleachers on his phone.

A: Leila I was just about to text you. What took so long?
Leila: Carlos stopped me in the hallway
A: for 20 minuets
Leila: yep. Long enough to get a few dances in. Did you dance while I was gone?
A: yeah we're at homecoming... what did you expect me to do?
Leila: I don't know. Dance
Adri: *quietly yelling* alone
A: oh. You saw.
Leila: damn right I saw. Who's your new girlfriend?
A: there is a long story to explain what happened
Leila: save it for someone else. I do t want to hear it.
A: Leila come on.
Leila: Alex... I think we need to be done for a while.
A: Leila. Please.

Carlos walked over to where we were standing.

C: what's going on?
Adri: Leila and I are going to go dance.

Alex's perspective

C: dude what did you do?
A: it's a long story
C: well you're obviously upset. You better tell me this story.
A: well Miranda came up to me. Obviously drunk.
C: popular Miranda?
A: yeah. She pulled herself on me. She wrapped her hands around my neck and swayed back and forth.
C: dude. Seriously?
A: yeah I would never cheat on Leila
C: She was pretty upset
A: I know
C: I found her in the hall crying.
A: is that why she said you stopped her in the hallway
C: I guess
A: she won't even talk to me.
C: let me talk to her, or get Joey, or Gio, or Cameron to talk to her. She will listen to them.
A: your right
C: I know

I searched through the whole gym trying to find every boy that Leila would listen to, knowing that she wouldn't listen to me.

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