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Alex and I finished eating at the pizza parlor.

A: how about we skip ice cream and go home?
Leila: really..? I want my ice cream?
A: fine

Alex and I walked across the busy street to the ice cream place.

A: what kind of ice cream do you want?
Leila: Chocolate
A: ok.

Alex walked up to the counter and ordered our ice cream. He handed me a dish of chocolate ice cream because he knows I hate cones.

A: can we go back home?
Leila: yeah let's go.

Alex and I decided to walk home even though it was cold. He kept pulling me, urging me to go faster.

Leila: what's your problem?
A: you know exactly what it is.
Leila: Seriously. Can't we take our time to get home? We literally have all week.
A: fine.

Alex and I took our time walking back to my house. We didn't really talk about anything. When I was finished with my ice cream Alex took my cup so I didn't have to carry it. When we reached my driveway Alex grabbed my hand and yanked me to the door. We went inside and he started kissing me. Soon he moved down to my neck and continued to kiss. I knew his intentions, so I tried to push him off of me.

A: baby what's wrong?
Leila: Alex we're moving too fast.
A: what do you mean?
Leila: what I said. We are moving to fast.
A: why do you say that? We've been together for forever.
Leila: actually we haven't. We made this mistake and I'm not making it this time. I want us to last and rushing into a relationship isn't going to do that. I'm really happy that you're here, but I want to cuddle or watch a movie, not have sex or make out. 
A: Leila Why did you wait until now to tell me this?
Leila: I don't know. I know that you wanted to have sex so o didn't say anything about us moving too fast. 
A: Leila you need to communicate
Leila: I know. I'm sorry Alex.
A: don't be sorry. It's not something to be sorry about.

I felt bad that Alex found out like that. I really didn't plan on telling him like that.

A: so let's do what you wanted.
Leila: what are you talking about?

Alex pulled me into the couch and we laid in each other's arms. He turned on a movie.

A: this is what you wanted right?
Leila: yeah. Being here with you is perfect.
A: I'd do anything for my babygirl. I love you so much.
Leila: I love you so much more.
A: not possible.

We laid there for a while. I kept thinking about Alex and how much he means to me.

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