chapter 11

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I walked back into my house after Joey left. I walked in and Alex was sitting on my couch.

Leila: what the hell was that
A: I needed to do that to keep him away from you
Leila: but I want him around me
A: why
Leila; because he's my friend
A: ok You're not choosing him over me are you
Leila: Alex of course not it's you it will always be you
A: I love you
Leila: I love you more
A: *hugs y/n* impossible

After about twenty minutes Alex left and I called Hali'a. I was confused. I didn't know what to do. I was in love with Alex but Joey. Someone felt weird when I kissed him. And the kiss I have to tell Alex but how will he react.

Joeys perspective:
I.. umm.. wow. I just kissed Leila. That's crazy. I am just in shock. I've been smiling since I left her house. I wonder if Alex knows I kissed his girl. It would probably ruin things between us. I don't mind though.

Leilas perspective
I decided I had to tell Alex.

*outgoing call*
Leila: hey we need to talk
A: what's going on
Leila: Joey kissed me earlier
A: why didn't you tell me earlier
Leila: I wanted some time to think
A: did he say anything after he kissed you
Leila: just that he's wanted to do that for a long time
A: can I come over I want to see you in person
Leila: you can come in 20 minuets
A: ok I'll be there in twenty minutes
Leila: ok I'll see you then
A: ok bye princess
Leila: bye baby
*hangs up*

Leila: Laci come here
L: yah
Leila: Alex is coming over in like 10 minuets
L: but you told mom twenty
Leila: but this is Alex he'll be here in ten minutes

All of a sudden I hear a knock on the door. I open it to see Aiden standing at my door step.

•AI- Aiden•

Leila: What the hell are you doing here.
Ai: I'm here to see laci
Leila: come in. You can sit in the couch. I'll go grab laci.
Ai: ok

*walks upstairs*

Leila: your boyfriend is here laci
L: he isn't my boyfriend
Leila: why is her here
L: I invited him
Leila: why didn't you tell me he was coming
L: I'm sorry
Leila: go hangout have fun
L: thanks sis

I walk downstairs with laci and Alex is standing in my living-room.

A: you should really lock your door babe it's not safe
Ai: yah Alex just walked right in
Leila: yah I probably should. Is anyone else hungry?
L: I'm starving
A: we should go get pizza
Ai: I'll drive

We got in Aidens car and we drove to the closet pizza joint. While we were in our way I decided to post on Instagram.

•Y/N Ig

Whosleila lost between space and paradise 🗻🏝Liked by joeybirlem blesiv justlaci loren haliabeamer and 6543 more

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Whosleila lost between space and paradise 🗻🏝
Liked by joeybirlem blesiv justlaci loren haliabeamer and 6543 more

Blesiv you're all mine💞💫
justlaci sissss💞💞
loren pretty😊
joeybirlem why the caption?
haliabeamer iconic.
zoexlaverne we stan a legend
just.blesivv woww.

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