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Leila: you do?
Cam: he used to be one of my best friends.
Leila: what happened that he isn't anymore?
Cam: he was always talking about his girlfriend. He wouldn't shut up about her. Like ever. I got tired of it and we kind of just grew apart.
Leila: do you know who the girlfriend is?
Cam: I have no clue what her name is. He told me that she has the prettiest long black silky hair, and a perfect personality, and body. He always referred to her as princess. It was his first and only girlfriend.
Leila: when was this?
Cam: like 2 or 3 weeks ago.
Leila: oh *looks at hands and plays with nails*
Cam: Leila what's wrong?
Leila: I'm Alex's girlfriend
Cam: why didn't you tell me Leila?
Leila: it never came up

We talked about Alex for what felt like forever. At 10:00 Cameron left and I called alex.

*over the phone*

A: hello?
Leila: hey.
A: why didn't you FaceTime me baby?
Leila: my WiFi is down right now.
A: oh. What did you do after I left?
Leila: I hung out with a friend.
A: Who?
Leila: Cameron
A: for real?
Leila: yeah
A: did he touch you Leila? *angrily*
Leila: calm down baby. Nothing happened. We just talked.
A: how did you even meet him?
Leila: he's a delivery guy.
A: and you ordered food.
Leila: yep we just became friends
A: k
Leila: your fine with that?
A: I can't control who your friends with and I trust you.
Leila: good
A: anyways I'm excited for tomorrow baby. Let's get some sleep. It's going to be a long day tomorrow.
Leila: yeah it is
A: good night.
Leila: night
A: I love you
Leila: I love you too

*end of call*

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