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When the dance was over Joey and I went back to my house. When we got there I walked up to my room and Joey walked beside me. I walked into my bathroom and wiped off my makeup. Joey stayed in my room and got on his phone. When I walked back into my room Joey was sitting in my chair that goes with my vanity.

J: how are you?
Leila: ehh not as bad as I thought I would be
J: on a scale of 1-10 how upset are you?
Leila: Joey come on. Seriously?
J: sorry.

I grabbed a more comfortable outfit and walked back into my bathroom to change. When I walked back out Joey hadn't moved an inch.

J: so what do you plan on doing for the rest of the night?
Leila: I have no clue. What do you want to do?
J: I don't care. Spending time with you is the only thing I want to do.
Leila: awh.. are you hungry?
J: uhh a little bit.
Leila: we could go bake.
J: we can do whatever you want to.
Leila: So that's a yes?
J: yeah. Let's do it.

I got up off my bed and I pulled Joey down the stairs with me. We reached the kitchen and I pulled stuff out to make cookies. I got everything mixed up and Joey placed it onto the pan to be put in the oven.

J: Leila can you come put it in the oven?
Leila: can't you?
J: no
Leila: fine I'm coming

I put the pan in the oven and went over to the couch in the living area. Joey followed me in and sat next to me. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

Leila: Joey
J: I'm sorry

He let go of me and I moved a little away from him. Finally the timer went off.

Leila: I got it

Joey got up with me and walked over to the kitchen area.

J: they smell really good
Leila: yeah they do

I set the cookies out to cool off.

J: I really want you to talk to me Leila. Tell me how your feeling.
Leila: fine. I feel fine.
J: are you sure?
Leila: of course I am
J: good

I handed Joey one of the cookies. After we ate half of them, we went back upstairs to my room.

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