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I woke up well rested. I got out of bed and headed into my bathroom. I showered and then I got some breakfast. When I was done eating I went back upstairs to start my hair and makeup. When I was done with that I had about 1 hour until we had to leave to get pictures with Alex. I threw on my dress and shoes quickly. I walked to laci's room to see if she was ready. She was working on her hair when I walked in.

Leila: want help?
L: that would be great.

I finished curling laci's hair and we walked downstairs together. As I was walking down the stairs i saw Alex waiting for me at the bottom of the staircase. I walked down the stairs. When I reached alex he pulled me into a hug.

A: you look beautiful.
Leila: thank you. You look amazing yourself.
A: thanks

Alex and I got pictures together. We were going to go to the high school early to get pictures with all our friends at the park behind the school. After we took pictures at the park we went up to the school for the dance. When Alex and I walked in we were the only ones in the gym except for the DJ. We walked over to the corner and waited for other people to arrive. After about 2 minutes people started to pour in. I walked over to Adriana and alex followed behind me.

Leila: Adriana you look so good!
A: thanks Leila. You look absolutely gorgeous.
Leila: thanks

While Adriana and I were talking alex wrapped his arms around my waist.

Alex: come on Leila dance with me.
Leila: I'll see you later adri
A: ok Leila

Alex pulled me off and we danced to a few songs together.

Leila: I'm going to go to the bathroom.
A: ok

I walked to the bathroom to find two other girls in there. One was crying and the other one was comforting. I just did what I had to do. I washed my hands and headed back towards the gym. When I got in the gym I looked all over to find Alex. When I finally laid my eyes on him, he was dancing. But not just casually, with a girl. She had her head almost attached to his shoulder, and his head was resting on hers. I felt a hot tear run down my cheek. I walked out of the gym doors and sat on the step of the staircase nearest to the gym. Tears continued to stream down my face. I heard someone approach me. That didn't faze me though. I kept my head in my hands until I heard them say "hey." I recognized his deep voice but I couldn't figure out whose it was.

Authors Note: Who's the mystery guy that approached Leila? You get to choose. Comment one of the following names: Carlos, Joey, Giovanny, Cameron, Or Alex. The fate of the story lies in your hands!

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