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When Alex and I got to school we walked over to Carlos and Adriana. They were standing right next to each other.

Adri: hey guys

Leila: hey

Alex put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I pushed up on my tip toes and whispered in his ear.

Leila: what's wrong?

A: what do you mean?

I followed Alex's eyes and started directly at what we was looking at.

Leila: you're upset because Cameron is staring at me?

A: I'm not upset.

Leila: yes you are. Stop it alex. Look at me.

A: fine.

Alex looked at me and smiled.

A: see I'm just fine.

Leila: stop saying that.

A: he needs to stop staring at you.

Leila: I'll get him to come over to us.

A: don't do that.

Leila: too late

Cameron started walking over towards us.

A: damn how'd you do that?

Leila: I looked at him, smiled, and waved him over.

Cam: hey guys.

Adri: hi cam.

Alex grip around my waist tightened. I felt his whole body tense up. I whispered in his ear, doing my best to make him smile.

Leila: hey it's ok. Don't worry about him.

A: how can I not?

I got down off my top toes and smiled to Alex. I turned to gave him and took his hand. He pulled me into a hug and buried my head in his chest. He leaned down and whispered in my ear.

A: you're so pretty.

Leila: you're too cute.

The bell rung and w all five us walked up the stairs to the second floor. Cameron left after we came across his hallway. We all walked over to Alex's locker and stood there as a group for a while.

A: Carlos we should take the girls and go on a double date tonight.

Adri: omg Yes.

Leila: that would be so much fun! Where did that idea come from?

A: well we all had fun at that party together and I figured we could go in a double date together and it would be fun.

C: movies?

Adri: yeah I'm down

Leila: me too

A: great. When are we going to meet?

Adri: let's all go home together after school. We could go to my house.

Leila: omg Yes I'm so excited!

We went to all of our normal classes. Nothing too crazy happened while we were at school. When it was over Alex and I walked outside to find Adriana and Carlos. When we found them we walked over to them.

Leila: hey guys.
C: hi

We all got in Carlos's car and we went to Adriana's house. When we got there we walked in and started talking. We chose the movie we were going to watch. We ordered food and walked into the living room.

Leila: I have to use the bathroom.

Alex took my bag and I walked around the corner and into the bathroom. After I was finished I walked back out and saw that Alex was missing from the group.

Leila: where's Alex?

A: he's on a call.

Adriana pointed over to where Alex was standing. Eventually, he walked back over to us. He sat next to me and the doorbell rung.

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