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I took off my shoes and Alex did the same.

A: what are we going all night?
Leila: depends... do you plan on spending the night?
A: yeah but I didn't bring clothes
Leila: I have clothes of yours from the last time you stayed with me.
A: ok. That's even better. So what are we doing?
Leila: i don't care it's up to you.
A: seriously...?
Leila: yeah.

Alex sat on my couch and I walked into the kitchen.

Leila: do you want anything to drink?
A: no thanks.
Leila: What are we going to do for dinner? I never even thought about that.
A: well we could go to the pizza place. Maybe after that we could get ice cream.
Leila: that sounds great!

Alex was on his phone so I went upstairs to change. I pulled off my shirt, then Alex walked in.

A: wow.
Leila: stop it.
A: you look good!

Alex pulled me into a hug. He lifted my chin and kissed me.

A: you always look good.
Leila: awh you're so sweet.
A: obviously...

I continued to change. Changing in front of Alex didn't really bother me.

Leila: what time do we want to leave to go get pizza?
A: whenever you get hungry.
Leila: can we go now?
A: only if you put on what you got at Victoria's Secret.
Leila: Seriously?
A: yes. I 100 percent am not messing around. I'm being serious.
Leila: fine. I'll put it on.

Ahnwrksn this story is #1 under the blesiv tag. I'm so happy!!!

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