chapter three

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Alex and I ended up talking about our life problems for a while. It was nice to finally rant to someone who will finally listen. The next thing I remember is waking up the next morning miserable. My stomach ached. It's a good thing it's Saturday. Alex was still sleeping. He had his arms wrapped around tightly. I couldn't believe he was mine. I gazed at his flawless skin and soft lips. I didn't want to wake him but I brushed his hair out of his eyes. His eyes soon opened revealing his beautiful dark brown irises.

A: Good morning beautiful.
Leila: *kisses Alex gently* good morning. Did I wake you?
A: No.
Leila: good. Are you hungry?
A: starving
Leila: let's go cook together.
A: but I don't want to get out of bed with you
*after 15 minuets*
Leila: well I'm going to get a shower.
A: ok
Leila: ill hurry
A: Take your time

When I stepped I the bathroom I saw a trail of hickeys down my neck. How was I going to cover this? I look at my makeup bag and a wave of relief comes over me. Alex walks in and had a trail of hickeys that started on his collar bone and moved down. I slid open the glass door and stepped in the shower. I washed my hair and my body when Alex walks in the bathroom.

A: baby do you have hickeys too?
Leila: yes and I don't even remember anything from last night
A: me neither

I turned off the water and opened the shower door. Alex handed me my towel and I wrapped it around me. He was staring into my eyes. I kissed him and he blushed and mumbled around six words.

Leila: what was that?
A: oh.. uhh.. nothing
Leila: Alex come on just tell me.
A: *shakes head and looks at the ground*
Leila: *tilts his head up* please tell me what you said
A: i said you're perfect, I love you. I know it's early, we've only been together for two days but...
Leila:  *kisses Alex to shut him up* I love you too
A: *kisses Y/N*

I finally unwrapped my towel and get dressed. I throw on a casual outfit, did my hair in my favorite style and threw on some natural makeup. Then tried my best to cover the hickeys.

*two hours later*Leila: Do you mind if I have some friends come over?A: of course not

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*two hours later*
Leila: Do you mind if I have some friends come over?
A: of course not.

I invited all of my friends over and a few of Alex's.

Group chat
My forever💞
Group chat: Does anybody want to hangout at my place at 7:00.

I am baking for when everyone comes over. During this, Alex comes up behind me and hugs me.

A: what are you making?
Leila: *turns around* cookies. *turns back to the counter*

Alex has his hands around my waist and is kissing my neck when Hali'a walked through the door.

H: I hope it's ok that I'm early. *she turns and sees what is going on in the kitchen* am I interrupting something?
Leila: you are fine. Why haven't you been answering my calls?
H: my phone is being fixed
Leila: well I'm just glad your here.
H: me too.
A: I'm going to run upstairs to grab my phone.
Leila: ok
H: ok spill the tea. What's going on between you and Alex.
Leila: Well. We're together.
H: ok. I know you too well. That's not all.
Leila: that's all I'm sharing
H: ok. Fine. *holds out the last syllable to make it dramatic*

Alex walks back down the stairs and goes over to the couch. The timer goes off and you take a batch of cookies out of the oven and put a fresh one in. You took a cookie off the tray and go over and sit with Alex.

Leila: be careful it's hot.
A: *takes the cookie and lays his head in my lap*
Leila: *starts to play with Alex's hair and when Joey and Carlos walk in*
C: you really should lock your door.
J: It's not safe we just walked right in
Leila: yah I probably should

I finally get Alex off of me and I walk to the kitchen with Hali'a. Joey, Carlos, and Alex sit in the living room playing some video game on their phones. Everyone else shows up. We end up watching a movie. We ended up watching Dont Breathe.

Alex's perspective.
I was excited to watch Don't Breathe. It was a scary movie so I was hoping that Leila would get scared and cuddle up to me. She went upstairs to grab her phone off the charger and I followed her up. When she sat on her bed I sat next to her. She leaned into me and I kissed her.

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