Chapter 26

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Zoe came over and everything went normal. After she left I called Joey and Gio. We talked about what Zoe did. I hen I hung up with them I called Alex. I've been dying to talk to him. I missed him and it hasn't been that long since we saw each other.

*Outgoing call*
L: babe I miss you
A: I miss you too
L: movie marathon?
A: yesss! I'll be at your place in 5.
L: ok ill see you than
A: ok I can't wait!

I heard the line go dead and I put my phone down on my night stand. I walk downstairs and look through the cupboards to find that we have nothing so I order a pizza. I live my life on pizza. It's literally my favorite thing ever. About three minutes later I hear the doorbell ring and two knocks on the door.

Leila: *yelling* it's open
Alex: *yells back* OK

As soon as I saw Alex step through the door frame I was all over him. I missed him. Like a lot and I saw him yesterday. We sat down on the couch and I grabbed my phone to post on Instagram.


whosleila spending all night with my man❤️Liked by blesiv gio2saucy carlosmena zoexlaverne and 57380 others

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whosleila spending all night with my man❤️
Liked by blesiv gio2saucy carlosmena zoexlaverne and 57380 others

Blesiv ily❤️
Zoexlaverne awhh you're goals
Gio2saucy sis looks so happy 😁
Carlosmena alex won't stop talking about you...💞
Joeybirlem you all are cute😊
Theteabea Leila spent her weekend with a mystery guy? Check out recent post.

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