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Dad: I want to know what actually happened between you, because honestly, it doesn't look like you two ever split.
A: well...
Leila: I overreacted. That's all.

A: *whispers to Leila* why did you do that?
Leila: *whispers back* because it's true

Dad: Alex is that what happened?
A: well not exactly.
Dad: tell me what happened. That's all I want to know.
Leila: dad don't interrogate him.
A: well at the dance Leila went to use the bathroom.
Leila: Alex you don't have to tell him
A: while she was in the bathroom a obviously drunk student came and pressed herself on me. I didn't push her off of me, which I now regret.
Dad: Leila how about you go grab Luna?
Leila: Umm ok...

Alex's perspective
I was sitting on the couch when Leila went upstairs to grab Luna from her crib. Her father was right across from me. He started talking and it made me a little nervous. What I did wasn't right. It may not have seemed to be what it looked like, but I know that it hurt Leila. Hurting her is the last thing I ever wanted to do.

Dad: why didn't you push her off of you?
A: I don't even know
Dad: was she popular?
A: yeah
Dad: maybe you didn't push her off of you because you wanted her on you.
A: that's not true. I think we're all taking this out of context. It really is all a big misunderstanding. I know that I hurt Leila, but it's the last thing that I wanted to do. I really do love her and I'm not giving up on us. I will do whatever it takes to make her happy and this time I'm going to do it right.
Dad: I'm glad that you changed your sight on the situation. But I swear if you hurt her again you won't be allowed back in her life. Got it?
A: yes. 100%.
Dad: good.
A: I'm going to go find Leila

I walked up the stairs to find Leila sitting with Luna at the top of the staircase listening to our conversation.

Leila: I'm sorry about him. He's just protective. A little overprotective.
A: I understand that he's protective. I get it. I know I hurt you and it hurts me to know that I hurt you. Leila I didn't mean to.
Leila: But you were right.
A: I was?
Leila: yes this was all a big misunderstanding. Let's pretend like it never happened. Things were so awkward at the park. I don't want that for us. I want to go back to when we would hold hands and you would hold me close to you than kiss me. I miss us Alex.
A: so we can tell people we're back on?
Leila: let's not go that far yet.
A: fine not that far got it.

We walked in Leilas room with Luna. She sat Luna on her bed and walked into her bathroom quickly to grab a hairbrush.

Leilas perspective
When I walked out of the bathroom Alex had Luna in his arms swaying her around. Luna has so much fun when she's with Alex. He's really good with her. She has the cutest little giggle. After a minute of watching them, I brushed out my hair and put it up into a ponytail. I sat on my bed and alex sat next to me with Luna still in his hands.

Leila: So we cant sit on the bus together tomorrow..
A: yeah I know don't remind me.
Leila: maybe we should tell people...
A: really? I agree with that 100%.
Leila: actually... you know what? when someone figures it out, or if someone asks about us we can tell them we're together. Ok?
A: ok. Fine.
Luna: *starts to cry*
Leila: she's probably hungry. Let's go get her a bottle.
A: ok

I walked downstairs with Alex followed me with Luna in his hands. When we got downstairs my dad was still sitting on the couch.

Dad: what's wrong?
Leila: Luna was hungry
Dad: then why don't you have her..?
Leila: Alex was right behind me with her...
Dad: why does he have her?
Leila: because she likes him
Dad: I don't want him to have her.
Leila: well he does.

Alex walked down the stairs with Luna.

A: sorry she needed changed
Leila: I would have done it
A: I know
Dad: just get her a freaking bottle and go back upstairs. I don't want to hear you two.

I pulled Alex in the kitchen.

Leila: he normally doesn't act like that.
A: no he's upset with me and he has a reason to be.
Leila: he needs to just get over it. I mean I got over it, your over it.
A: give him time
Leila: he shouldn't be acting like that. That's ridiculous.
A: Leila give him some time to lighten up ok? This is only the second time I've met him and he just heard what happened at homecoming.
Leila: yeah ok. I'm still going to talk to him.
A: fine, but I'm telling you he just needs space.
Leila: I don't care what he needs. We're together and he's going to have to accept it.

I screwed the top on Luna's bottle and handed it to Alex.

Leila: here you go, will you take her upstairs?
A: yeah I will.
Leila: I'll be up in just a minute...

I walked over to my dad and sat in the couch next to him.

Leila: dad lighten up on Alex.
Dad: he hurt you, right? I have a reason to be tough on him. You didn't deserve that.
Leila: well I assumed the worst. That's what hurt me. I understand you might need a minute to cool off, but don't be so tough on him. Ok?
Dad: Fine

I got up and walked upstairs. When I got to my room i sat on my bed next to Alex.

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