Chapter 36

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The next morning I woke up to 4 missed calls from Alex. That made me nervous, he never calls me at night, when he knows I'm asleep. I call him and he doesn't answer so it worries me. I decided just to get ready and threw on an outfit.

I put on some makeup so I was late getting outside to get on the bus

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I put on some makeup so I was late getting outside to get on the bus. I got on and sat next to Alex. He kissed my forehead asked how I was feeling today. I told him ok. It's that time of the month. They are always so bad for me. I pass out just for being woman. It absolutely sucks. When we got to school Alex took my hand and we walked into the hallway and waited for the bell to ring. I hugged him and leaned on him.

A: what's wrong baby
Leila: my stomach hurts. Like really bad.
A: if you go home ummm going with you. You hear me.
Leila: yes Alex I hear you, but you don't have to.
A: it's my job as you boyfriend.

Finally the bell rung and we walked up to get our books to go to Geometry. When we walked in a new girl starred right at us. She was super pretty but looked petty.

It might have just been me going on in full jealous girlfriend mode but she kept eyeballing Alex, I didn't like her one bit

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It might have just been me going on in full jealous girlfriend mode but she kept eyeballing Alex, I didn't like her one bit. Mr. Ross moved Alex to a different table and put the new girl at the table with me and joey. When she sat down we all introduced each other.

Leila: hi I'm leila and this is Joey. It's nice to meet you.
A: hi. I'm Adriana.
Leila: your makeup looks so good. Like I'm literally jealous of you skill.
A: well your brows are to die for.
J: can we talk about something else.

*the girls laugh lightly as Joey grins and laughs a little too.*

Finally the ball rung I felt like I had been waiting on it forever. Alex comes over to me and I grab his hand. I pushed out in front of Adriana so she knew Alex and I were together.

Alex: stop being so jealous it's ok.
Leila: I'm not.

We walked up the stairs and as soon as we got up there I fell into Alex's arms but not on purpose. It was the faint thing that I do when I'm on my period. Like I said they are bad. He shook me a little bit knowing what to do because it's happened two other times in the month we've been together. I get out of his arms as we continue to walk.

*skip to the end of the day*

I had my first volleyball practice tonight and I was not allowed to participate because I fainted today. I had to go watch, but it was ok because tonight was all conditioning. That's always rough. When practice was over Joey came and picked me up. I went to his place for a while to hang out.

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