chapter 21

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We recorded and filmed a video. We posted it on her YouTube channel. Kars and Bail (this happened in real life and you should check it out) it sounded really good. We did a Billie Eilish cover. She went home at about 7:00 pm and I went straight to sleep I have to go to school tomorrow. The next morning I woke up and got ready. I was excited to go back to school. I just threw on a comfy outfit to go back. I was going spend half the day in the nurses office anyways.

I sat with Alex on the bus and in front of gio

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I sat with Alex on the bus and in front of gio. I was glad I got to see both of them.

A: how are you feeling princess?
Leila: I'm good
G: did you enjoy your peace and quiet last night *sarcastically* princess
A: *death glares at Gio.*
Leila: yes it was a nice change of pace.
G: well I missed you
Leila: I'm sure you did. So Alex do you want to come over after school?
A: I would love to
Leila: great we'll finally have time to ourselves
A: actually do you want to go to the park? It's your favorite place and you haven't been there in a while.
Leila: we would have to take Luna
A: that's fine by me. I like her.
Leila: awhh she likes you too. I can't wait for tonight.
A: I'm really excited.
Leila: me too.

I walk in the school and go straight to the nurse's office. I have to have an evaluation done before I can go and do classes. The evaluation took about an hour. Then I went up to class. I had a lot of work to make up. Alex wanted to hang out that night but I told him about all of the work I needed to get done. Joey over heard us and told me that he would help me with my work. I know that Alex would be upset if I told Joey he could come over but I could really use the help. I told Joey he could come over to help me with my work.

*skips to lunch*

Leila: Alex Joey is gonna come over to help me with my work.
A: I could help you with it.
Leila: thanks for the offer but he offered first.
A: but babyyyyyy
Leila: Alex it will be ok
A: ok fine but I want a report on how everything went.
Leila: ok fine. But we're just gonna do my school work.

Joey rode the bus home with me and it was weird. He got off with me and everyone was starting. I heard a few whispers. Alex went home with Carlos so he wasn't on the bus.

*unlocks front door*

Leila: we can go over to the table.
Joey: ok
Leila: do you want anything to drink?
Joey: no thanks I'm fine.
Leila: so where do we start?
Joey: how about chemistry? *moves closer to me*
Leila: yah I was thinking maybe Spanish
Joey: I think that we could have... I mean do chemistry. Ya know chemistry homework.
Leila: Joey come on.
Joey: Leila why won't you give me a chance. I could make you happy.
Leila: seriously Joey. You decided to tell me that you wanted to be with me when Alex and I got together. Wait no.. Alex told me.
Joey: Leila.. im...
Leila: Joey I'm sorry. That was so ridiculous of me to do that. I've just got so much going on.
Joey: do you want to talk about it?
Leila: do you actually want to listen
Joey: if it makes you feel better

I explained everything to Joey. About my parents, Alex, gio, Luna, the fact that laci likes two of my friends. He was really supportive. Maybe I should've given him a chance. Now if I ever split from Alex I would break. It would break me.

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