Chapter 34

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They saw me and waved. They sat at the table next to us. I have Gio a look like why are you doing this, and he gave a a sympathetic look. I told everyone I'm going to the bathroom.

*Alex's perspective
Of course I knew something was wrong with Leila. Seemed upset like she knew something we all didn't. I got up to follow her and Gio got up too. We walked to the bathroom as he told me that he had this. He walked in. I tried my best to hear what they were saying.

*leilas perspective

Leila: seriously Giovanni
G: leils come in listen to me
Leila: don't call me that
G: let me explain
Leila: NO. *tears running down her face* you know what Hali'a did don't you?
G: uhhh no.
Leila: well the night after Alex and I got together she told everyone about how Alex and I slept together but we never did. Not at that point at least.
G: leils
Leila: gio don't call me that.

I pushed out if the bathroom and into Alex's arms. He walked me over to the table where Joey was.

A: Joey we will be back in a minute.
J: ok

Alex walked me outside.

A: why didn't you tell me that Hali'a did that. We could have told someone. Baby this really hurt you. I know it did.
Leila: i wanna leave.
J: ok than let's do it. I have the pizza to go.
Leila: Joey your the best.

Alex wiped a tear from my face and we walked to his car. I feel bad that I never gave Gio a chance to explain what was going on, but I was so upset and he kept making it worse. It was so crazy. I wish my life was easier. Simple. Like Laci's. She's the spoiled one. She gets whatever she wants no matter what it is. It makes me so mad. I just want to have my life be that easy for once. She doesn't have to make choices like me of work for what she wants.

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