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After the ball rang to go to second period, I knew what my choice was. I pulled Gio aside on the hallway to talk to him.

Leila: Gio I cant do it.

G: Leila What are you talking about?

Leila: I can't break up with him.

G: why not?

Leila: I don't know I just can't. I'm telling alex that we kissed though.

G: Yo, you kissed me.

Leila: yes Gio I know.

G: what if Alex breaks up with you?

Leila: than that sucks doesn't it?

I walked upstairs to my next class. I barely made it before the bell. Alex was already in the classroom. I walked over and sat next to him.

A: hey

Leila: you gonna ride home with me?

A: do you want me to

Leila: it's up to you

A: yeah I'm gonna ride home with you. Are we riding with Gio again?

Leila: no we're gonna have to ride the bus.

A: ok sounds good baby.

Leila: ok.

After the last bell of the day rung I walked over to Alex's locker. He took my hand and we walked outside. We got on the bus and sat in the seat that we always sit in.

A: so what did you want to talk to me about?

Leila: do you really want to talk about it?

A: yeah I do.

Leila: well lasts night Gio and I kissed when I went to talk to him.

A: and that is what took you so long?

Leila: your not mad?

A: no I'm furious.

Leila: Alex...

A: I can't believe this is happening. We were so good.

Leila: I know. I'm sorry.

A: Leila... I don't...

I started to cry a little. It hurt me that this was happening.

A: awh baby don't cry.

Alex pulled me into him.

Leila: Alex I'm so sorry. It sorta just happened. Now I'm so mad at myself and I can't believe I did that. It was such a big mistake. I'm so sorry.

A: hey I know. We'll talk about this later ok? Calm down Leila. It's ok.

Leila: were ok?

A: yeah for now. We will talk about this later. Ok?

Leila: ok.

The bus dropped Alex and I off at my house. We walked inside. Alex sat me on the sectional and sat across from me.

A: ok let's talk about this.

Leila: what's this?

A: us.

Leila: oh my god, are you gonna break up with me?

A: no. Leila no, but do you have feelings for

Leila: no. Well I don't know Alex.

A: explain it to me leils.

Leila: well I feel something. I don't think I actually have feelings for him, it was just that stupid message.

A: so you don't have actual feelings for him?

Leila; no. I don't.

A: thank god, Leila you scared me.

Leila: awh I did?

A: yes. I thought you had feelings for someone else. I thought you were going to break up with me.

Leila: well I didn't

A: thank god.

Alex walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

A: I love you.

Leila: I love you too.

A: never scare me like that again.

Leila: I scared myself too.

A: what do you mean.

Leila: I thought that I was going to lose you.

A: you'll never lose me Leila.

Leila: good.

I tucked my head into Alex's chest. We sat back down on the couch and started talking again.

A: did Gio want us to split?

Leila: yeah.

A: would you have gotten with him if we split?

Leila: yeah I probably would have, but I wouldn't be happy without you.

A: I wouldn't be happy without you either.

Leila: your barely ever home. I feel like you're always with me.

A: that's true.

Leila: why do you spend all of your time with me?

A: I feel like the more time we spend together the less you think about other guys, if that makes sense.

Leila: what do you mean?

A: the more time we spend together, the less time you have to think about someone else. You have to admit that you think about other guys.

Leila: well yeah I do. They are my friends Alex. That is what separates them and you. Your my boyfriend, their my guy friends. I love all of you, but your love and their love is different. That is what separates them and you. I want to spend my life with you.

A: I am going to spend my life with you.

Leila: I love you more everyday.

A: I've never loved anything as much as I love you

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