chapter 13

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Leila's perspective
I was really mad that Alex didn't want joey around me. He's a really sweet guy. I fell for him and honestly I don't think I will ever unfall. All of a sudden my phone started to ring in the middle of the pizza joint. It was my parents.

• m- mom d-dad•

M: hello
Leila: hello
M: how are you darling
Leila: I'm good
M: your dad and I have news to break to you
Leila: ok
M: were moving
Leila: are we moving out of the neighborhood
M: no just into a bigger house
Leila: what's wrong with our house?
M: it's not big enough for 5 people to live in it
Leila: than it's a good thing that there is only four of us.
M: that's the thing we're adopting a baby girl
Leila: seriously
M: yes we will bring her home with us in two days
Leila: ok I will see you then.
M: ok
Leila: bye mom
M: bye darling
*hangs up*

L: what was that about
Leila: laci we're moving into a bigger house
L: why
Leila: mom and dad are adopting a baby girl
L: really
Leila: apparently
A: how far are you moving
Leila: just a few blocks away
A: ok
Leila: Alex are you ready to go
A: yah I'll call an Uber
Leila: ok Aiden, have her home by no later than 8:00 pm, no physical contact, nothing sexual. Alex did I miss anything.
A: nope you got it all you'd be a great momma
Leila: *blushes and grabs Alex's hand*

After we walk out of the restaurant Alex looks me in the eyes and kisses me. He pulls his head up and smirks, but not at me. I turn my head to look but nobody is there I just shake it off. We get in the Uber.

A: what's on your mind baby?
Leila: my parents are adopting a baby but they're never around. I'll end up taking care of that baby. I'm not ready to do that.
A: I'll be here with you the whole way I promise I'll never leave you

I texted my mom to ask her what day were moving. The day after they get home. I wasn't ready for this. I'm pretty much going to be raising this baby, I'm moving in three days, and I'm caught in a love triangle.

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