chapter five

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Alex sits up grabs my hips and throws me on top of him. We start to kiss slowly at first but the longer it went on the more passionate it got. Finally I got up the courage to ask him.

Leila: what if you and Joey start to fight over me?
A: Joey is one of my best friends. I don't want to lose him because of a girl, but your not just a girl. Your my world. I refuse to lose you.
Leila:I love you so much
A: I love you so much more princess

We go upstairs to grab Alex's stuff. He has stayed at my house for the past two days.

A: are you sure you don't want me to stay with you tonight?
Leila: I'm a big girl.
A: I know baby but I don't want you to be alone all night.
Leila: I'll be ok. You haven't been home in two days.
A: I'm going to FaceTime you all night.
Leila: ok. I love you.
A: I love you.

*incoming call from best friend*

Leila: hello
H: wanna have a sleepover
Leila: if it's at my house
H: I'll be there in 10
Leila: Ok. Bye
H: bye

When Hali'a gets here we watch a movie. Then we play truth or dare.

H: Leila truth our dare?
Leila: uhhh... truth.
H: if you could be in a relationship with anyone except Alex who would you choose?
Leila: uhhh. I dont know
H: you have to chose someone
Leila: umm. Joey.
H: Joey! *she says shocked*
Leila: yes. He's cute. And sweet. Truth or dare?
H: dare
Leila: I know you have a crush on Carlos
H: oh my god don't.
Leila: I dare you to ask Carlos on a date

Hali'a's perspective
Leila just dared me to ask Carlos out. She told me just to call him. So I'm going to. My mind is running in six different directions.

*ongoing call*
C: Hali'a what's up?
H: I need to ask you something.
C: of course. Anything.
H: I uhh.. wanted to know.. uh if you want to.. ya know.. go out sometime.
C: I would love to.
H: ok. Umm great!
C: I can't wait.
H: me neither.
C: ok Hali'a. You should get some sleep it's late. Good night.
H: goodnight.

Alex's perspective
I miss Leila so much. I want to hold her, look into her beautiful eyes.

*Incoming call*
A: hello?
Leila: baby I miss you.
A: I miss you too princess.
Leila: I want to be with you
A: I'll be there in five minutes
Leila: I'll be waiting.

*rings Leilas doorbell*
A: I missed you Leila

Leilas perspective
I jump on Alex and wrap my legs around his waist. It's only been four hours. Love does crazy things to your brain.

A: what aren't you asleep it's like 3 A.M.
Leila: I couldn't sleep without you.
A: well now I'm here and you need to get some sleep.
Leila: why can't I stay up and hangout with you?
A: because I care about your health and you need to sleep.
Leila: fine.

Alex and I go up to my room and lay in my bed. I changed into this.

Hali'a is sleeping downstairs on the couch

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Hali'a is sleeping downstairs on the couch. I lay my head on Alex's chest and he plays with my hair. I fall asleep with in 10 minuets. The next morning I wake up and Alex isn't beside me...

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