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C: umm here's your food *handed the food to alex*
Leila: Cameron I'll be right there with the money.
C: take your time Leila

Alex put the food on the table and went upstairs.

A: I'll be right back baby
Leila: ok Alex

I handed Cameron the money for the food.

Leila: here you go.
C: I'll see you tonight.
Leila: ok.
C: bye
Leila: bye Cameron

I went over to the table and took the food out of the bag. Alex walked down the stairs. I handed him his food and we sat on the couch.

After we ate our food, I went back upstairs to finish my makeup, do my hair, and put on my dress. Alex walked up with me and we started talking.

A: so do you and Cameron talk a lot?
Leila: I wouldn't say a lot
A: but enough for you to not say no?
Leila: Yes Alex we talk. It's ok.
A: ok
Leila: are you jealous?
A: no. Maybe a little.
Leila: don't be, ok?
A: ok Leila. I won't.
Leila: ok

I kissed Alex then went back to finishing my makeup.

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