Chapter 30

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*Alex's perspective*
Leila and Joey seem to be hanging out a lot. I know that I'm jealous. I shouldn't be but I am. It should be me spending all my time with her so I called her.

**Outgoing call
Leila: hey baby what's wrong?
Alex: umm when is Joey leaving tonight?
Leila: i dont know I'll ask him.
Leila: he said he has to be home by 4.
Alex: want to hangout after?
Leila: yes i do. Come here at four.
Alex: ok I'll be there
Leila: ok bye baby
Alex: bye leils

The line went dead and I got ready to go over to Leila's place. It's 3:37 so I don't have to long until I get over there. Finally I was done grooming myself and I threw some stuff into a backpack. Then my mom drove me over to Leila's house because it was raining.

**leilas perspective
All of a sudden I heard a knock on the door. I went over to open it and Alex was standing outside of my house waiting with 3 roses. Her knows their my favorite.

A: Leila. Will you go to homecoming with me?
Leila: of course I will.

Alex handed me the flowers and I pulled him into a hug. He smirked a little and then laid a kiss on my lips. He's so sweet, I love him so much. Finally joey left and I plopped on the couch. It has been such a long day for me. I sigh, apparently loudly because Alex comes over and asks me what's wrong. I told him that I miss my parents, my little sisters, my friends, and him.

A: baby I'm right here I'm. Im not leaving.
Leila: i know but it seems like we've been getting more distant lately
A: it's because your spending more time with Joey. I hate him and you together.
Leila: yah I guess but stop being so jealous we're ok. It's ok. I'll tell you if anything happens. I've told you that before.
A: I know but...
Leila: no. We will be ok.
A: I know that we will
Leila: ok good.

I turned on The vampire Dairies on Netflix because it's my favorite. Alex didn't complain because he knows it's my favorite. He's so amazing. Out of nowhere Alex kissed my forehand I smiled like an idiot. He's so adorable. All of a sudden my phone started vibrating. Someone was calling be but honestly I was scared to see who.

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