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I unlocked my phone and called my mom back.

*on the phone*
M: hello
Leila: hey
M: why didn't you answer the first time I called
Leila: I was in the screening room of a movie theater
M: oh... well anyways your dad and I are going on a business trip again. We leave Wednesday
Leila: what are you going to do with Luna?
M: she's coming with us
Leila: and is laci staying with me?
M: That's what I was calling about. She could stay with you or go to your grandparents. It's really up to you.
Leila: can we talk about this later?
M: yeah.
Leila: ok I'll see you later
M: ok... bye Leila
Leila: bye mom

*end of call*

A: what was that about?
Leila: my parents are going on a business trip on Wednesday.
A: oh
Leila: wanna come stay with me on Wednesday?
A: of course I wanna stay with you!

Alex wrapped his arm around my waist and led me back into the screening room. We sat back down next to Gio. The movie was almost over, there was only about 10 minutes left. When the credits finally started to play, Alex and I stood up and followed Gio out the door. Gio drove me home and when I walked in my mom was sitting on the couch watching TV. I walked over to the couch and sat down next to her.

Mom: I'm going to have laci stay with your grandparents while we're away.
Leila: ok.
Mom: listen Leila...
Leila: yeah?
Mom: We both know that Alex is going to be here when your dad and I leave. He's more than welcome here, I actually really like the kid, but no sex Leila. I know you two have done it before and don't do it again.
Leila: ugh mom. No we're not going to have sex. We just got back together.
Mom: ok. I was just making sure.

After that odd conversation I walked upstairs to my room. I sat down at my vanity to take my smeared makeup off. Gently, I pulled a makeup wipe out of the bag and wipes all the makeup from my face. I walked over to my bed and sat down. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to look at my notifications. I decided to post on my Instagram because I hadn't in a while.


Whosleila boy bye👋🏼Liked by cam

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Whosleila boy bye👋🏼
Liked by cam.54 joeybirlem Gio2saucy and 100864 more

Cam.54 ❤️
Joeybirlem right...🙄
Gio2saucy you've got me❤️
Hmuadri Awh gorgeous💕
Itscarlosmena cutie😉
Zoexlaverne you're so pretty!

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