Chapter 25

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The next thing I remember was waking up with Alex beside me. I don't really remember what happened last night except the fact that Joey tried to kiss me. The thought made me happy inside. That's so bad of me to think that but it's true. I wanted to spend time with him. To be with him, but I also wanted to be with Alex. I want to spend time with Alex, love him, and be in his arms. The last thing in my mind was leaving him.

*skip to later that day. In school*

I am in Spanish. I get a tight feeling in my stomach, almost like a knot. It's a weird feeling, something I've never felt before. I go to the bathroom and I end up throwing up. I rushed down to the nurse and I told her everything that happened. She called my mom and I got to go home. While I was waiting for my mom I decided to check my Instagram account. I had 101.3 thousand fans. I decided to post because I have some time on my hands.


whosleila not settling for no regular shit

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whosleila not settling for no regular shit.
Liked by blesiv zoexlaverne gio2saucy joeybirlem and 18899 others

zoexlaverne we need to hangout💞
Blesiv good thing I'm not regular shit💞😉
Gio2saucy l e g e n d❤️
theteabee heard that her and Alex broke up. What do you think?
joeybirlem wowww❤️❤️

I saw Zoe's comment. I don't know what to do. She probably just wants to hang out to hangout. Not because of what happened with the other girls. I decided to text her and hope for the best. If worse comes to worse Alex is right down the road and Gio and Joey are on my constant beck and call.



What's up?

Want to hang outtt???


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