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C: let's lay a few ground rules, ok?

A: yeah good idea.

C: 1. No kissing or touching other people.
     2. Don't drink too much.
     3. Don't leave a drink unattended.
     4. Don't go anywhere with anyone.
     5.  Be careful.

Leila: I will follow those rules if you agree that the same rules apply to you.

A: yes. I agree

C: me too

Adri: then it's settled. We're all following a set of 5 rules made up on the spot. We're going to end up dead.

Leila: wow. Way to be optimistic.

A: seriously though, I don't want anybody to get hurt. Just follow the rules ok?

Leila: fine

Adri: yeah I guess so.

C: ok thank you

Adri: I have a question though.

C: what's that?

Adri: were not technically together, Carlos, so does that mean rule one doesn't apply to me?

C: yes rule one still applies to you.

Adri: why?

A: the dudes jealous

C: shut up Alex. It still applies to you because I don't want you to get hurt.

Adri: so if I find this really nice guy who's really into me, I can't kiss him? Would it be hurting me our you?

C: ok whatever you're right. Every rule applies to everyone.

Adri: you better do something to insure that.

I looked at Alex and we both laughed. Carlos was kind of awkward around Adriana. We could tell that he liked her, he just had a weird way of showing it.

Leila: Carlos, maybe if you hang out with her than you don't have to worry about the rules, you'd be there to protect her.

A: yeah that's why I'm going and exactly what I'm planing on doing.

We pulled into Aiden's driveway. Alex came around and opened the car door from me.

Leila: someone has to take pictures of Adriana and I, so I can post it on Instagram.

A: I'll do it.

I opened Snapchat on my phone. The Snapchat camera is better than the actual camera app on my phone. I handed my phone to Alex and Adriana and I walked over to the wall and posed in front of it. Alex snapped a picture and handed me my phone.

Leila: perfect! Thank you.

I kissed Alex on the cheek and we walked in. As soon as we walked in a wave of alcohol and weed hit me in the face. Aiden noticed me and walked over to the door.

Aiden: Leila I didn't know that you were coming.

Leila: yeah. Adriana wanted me to come.

Aiden: well Alex I'm gonna steal her from you for a little bit.

A: I can't come with you two?

Aiden: relax we're just going to get a drink.

Leila: I'll grab you one.

Aiden wrapped his arm around my waist and led me over to the drink table. The music was so loud I couldn't even think. I picked up two bottles of beer, one for me and one for Alex. I turned around and Aiden was gone. I walked back over to Alex and handed him the bottle.

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