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B: Leila I thought I wouldn't ever see you again!

Leila: well here I am.

B: who's this beside you?

Leila: this is my boyfriend Alex.

B: your boyfriend or boy-friend

Leila: were dating. We're actually on a date right now.

B: oh that's nice.

I turned around and started talking to Alex.

Leila: don't worry about it baby. He doesn't matter.

A: yes he does. All of this matters. Every time we try to do something there is another one if your boyfriends to come and ruin it for us.

Leila: Seriously Alex? One of my boyfriends.

A: that's what it seems like. They all know you just as well as I do.

Leila: because I'm friends with them

A: maybe we should talk about this another time.

Leila: no you started this so I'm gonna end it.

A: what are you talking about?

I got up out of my seat and walked out of the theater. As soon as I hit the bitter cold air I pulled out my phone. I dialed Cameron's number. He picked up after the fourth ring.

On the phone

Cam: Leila, hey.

Leila: Cameron can you come pick me up?

Cam: Leila what's wrong? Where are you?

Leila: it's ok. I'll be ok, I just need you to come get me. I'm at the movie theater.

Cam: why are you at the movie theater.

Leila: just come get me.

Cam: I'll be there in 10 minutes

Leila: thank you!

Cam: of course, anything. You know that

Cameron hung up the phone and I walked over to the wall. I sat against it until I heard someone walk up to me.

?: Leila you shouldn't leave.

I never looked up to see who was standing next to me.

Leila: why not?

?: Leila look at me.

I looked up to see Carlos staring at me.

Leila: why are you here?

C: Alex sent me out. He knew that you wouldn't listen to him.

Leila: he should have been the one to come out and see me.

C: Leila just trust me, you don't want to leave.

Leila: yes I do Carlos.

Cameron pulled around the front of the building.

Leila: I'm gonna go Carlos.

I walked over to Cameron's car and got in.

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