Chapter seven

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I heard a light knock on my door. I was nervous to hang out with Joey all alone. I finally got the courage to go and open the door.

Leila: hi
J: hey
Leila: come on in
J: *walks in*
Leila: so what do you want to do?
J: I was thinking, I know you are really into a Netflix show, we could watch that.
Leila: that sounds good.

Joey and I watch six or seven episodes when Alex calls me. Joey and I decided to prank him. Joey clears his throat and lowers his voice when he answered the phone.

A: hello
J: umm who is this *silently laughs*
A: who is this and why are you answering my girls phone?
J: why are you calling my girls phone?
A: *hangs up*

*7 minuets later*
A: *banging on Leilas door*
Leila: whats wrong?
A: where is he
Leila: what do you mean?

Alex storms up to my bedroom and sees Joey sitting on my bed on his phone with my phone right next to him.

A: *throws Joey off the bed* what do you think your doing?
J: dude calm down.
A: did you hook up with Leila
J: *looks at the ground*
A: *yells* did you hook up with Leila?
Leila: *grabbing Alex's hands* Alex calm down. *cups Alex's face in her hands* it was just a prank.

As soon as I grab Alex's hands I can feel his heart beat slow down.

A: then why is he here?
Leila: were just hanging out
A: then you wouldn't mind if I stayed.
Leila: of course not I love spending time with you baby.

Alex offers a hand to help Joey up than he apologizes.

A: I'm sorry dude but you can't do that to me. She's my girl and I'd do anything for her.
J: I know that.
A: good

When 10:00 rolled around Joey left. Alex decided stayed with me again.

Leila: I'm going to go get ready for bed.
A: I'll join you.

We get up off the couch and we went upstairs to my bathroom. I change into this.

After I change I slip into bed and Alex follows me

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After I change I slip into bed and Alex follows me. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead.

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