chapter ten

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I woke up and I don't remember anything from last night. I get out of bed and go to the bathroom. I go and wake laci up then I come back in my room and FaceTime Alex. I get dressed.

I go and put some makeup on and Alex and I hang up

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I go and put some makeup on and Alex and I hang up. I go downstairs and get something to eat. Laci and I went out and waited for the bus. When we got on the bus laci sat with her best friend Kaede.

This is Kaede.

I sat with Alex

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I sat with Alex. When I sat down he hugged me and told me I was freezing. I was pretty cold from standing waiting for the bus. He took off his sweatshirt and told me I have to put it on.

Leila: no Alex you're going to want it
A: I care about you're health princess and right now you need it more than me
Leila: thank you

I put his sweatshirt on and he wrapped his arm around me. He's so sweet I never want to leave him. I look at my phone and I have a text from Joey.

*one unread text*
J: *text* good morning beautiful
Leila: *text* Gm did you send this to me on accident
J: *text* no
*alex looks down and sees what's happening*
A: what is going on between you and Joey?
Leila: nothing. I swear. I don't know why he sent me that.
A: well he obviously has feelings for you. He's been jealous of us since day one.
Leila: it doesn't matter. I'm with you and I'm not leaving.
A: I know I just don't trust him around you.
Leila: but you trust me right?
A: yes
Leila: nothing will happen. But if it does trust me, I'll tell you.
A: ok

We finally got to school and I went straight to Hali'a. She's my go to girl for every problem I could ever have. I'm screwed if she ever decided to stop being my friend, she knows to much. We talked it over and I think Joey, Alex, and I should all talk together. I just hope I'm not ruining anything. I invited Alex and Joey to hang out at my house after school.

A: why are you here? *to joey*
J: i was invited
Leila: now I think that we should sort a few things out. That's the only reason either of you are here.
A: figure out what? Joey is jealous of what we have. That he's been in love with you for three years. That he wishes you were his.
J: *looks at the ground, than up at me, than walks out.*
Leila: what was that
A: what I needed to do
Leila: *runs after joey*
A: *to himself* great. My girlfriend is chasing other guys
Leila: *to joey* I'm sorry he acted like that
J: Leila everything he said was true
Leila: why didn't you tell me you liked me
J: i got nervous every time I was around you
Leila: *looks joey in the eyes* never be afraid to talk to me
J: *grabs my face and pulls it into his, pressing our lips together.*

I was in shock, but I kissed back. I didn't break the kiss, I didn't want to. I should've wanted to, but I just couldn't, it was too good. Joey finally broke the kiss.

J: sorry I've wanted to do that for a long time
Leila: that was good but we can't do it again you understand me
J: anything you say princess

When joey called me princess I thought of Alex. He used to always call me that. I just am so confused. I love Alex I really really do but am I catching feelings for Joey?

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