Chapter 46

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The bell rung and I walked up to first period with Alex and Adriana. I walk into geometry and I see Gio by my desk. He handed me a note and walked away. He didn't talk to me the rest of the period. The note read,

Be careful. Carlos kept telling me how he was going to try to hook up with other you tonight. Don't cheat on alex with him. Alex loves you. He would be broken if you cheated on him with his best friend.

I believed this. Sort of. I don't really have a reason to believe Gio, he's lied to me plenty of times before, bug I did. I remember how Alex told me that Carlos likes me. I showed Adriana the letter.

Adri: be careful Leila. I don't want anything to happen.
Leila: I will
A: what's going on?

I showed Alex the note and he definitely tensed up. Honestly I don't blame him.

A: Leila. Baby. Don't let him hurt you. Ok?
Leila: I love not Alex. I promise. Nothing will happen between me and Carlos: ever.
A: I know baby. Just be careful.
Leila: your the first I'd call if something happens. Ok?
A: I'll be ready to come save your distressed damsel but.

The bell rang, I kissed him, then he went to sit in his seat.

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